There's this integration with an external site that I've had to implement for months, but it doesn't work. It turned out that for the first month or so, the contacts from the external site wouldn't help due to some legal issues. Supposedly, the legal issues have been resolved. I'm not sure that they have or that there aren't other issues, because the contacts from the external site seem to be stonewalling to me. Their response has been to say that since many other clients have been using their site without problems, the problem must be with our client (duh), and suggested trying more things to narrow down what the problem is (without any guidance on what to try). I provided them tcpdumps of what I've tried, and I've been using their staging servers (rather than their production servers), so they should know when and what I tried. One of the responses from their system includes an error id that looks like it has a date and IP address embedded in it, and I imagine that error id could be used to help track down what is going on. However, none of the responses from them indicate that they've even looked any logs on their own staging servers.
I can work on other things, so I'm fine with letting other people worry about why there is no progress on this.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
The RESOL programming language
RESOL (REtro Statement Oriented Language) is a language inspired by fixed-format FORTRAN. (See also: resol)
RESOL uses fixed format lines. If the first column contains C, the line is a comment. Otherwise, columns 1-5 contain an optional label consisting of digits (0-9). Column 6, if not empty nor containing a space, indicates a continuation line. Columns 7-72 contain the statement. The first line cannot be a continuation line and a continuation line cannot directly follow a comment line.
Every labeled statement (except the first statement), has a call stack. Having multiple call stacks permits convoluted code where the returns (from different call sites) are not in the reverse order of the calls.
It is an error for more than one statement to have the same label.
Statements can take one or two arguments. An argument is a sequence of one or more digits (0-9). If there are two arguments, they are separated by a comma.
Every labeled DATA statement has a queue stack. If the first statement is a labeled DATA statement, it has a special queue where reading the queue reads the program's input, and writing to the queue writes the program's output. The statement's queue is the top of queue stack.
The DATA statement can take one or two arguments. If the statement is labeled, the first argument defines the size of the queue item in digits, and the second argument, if present, defines the initial contents of the statement's queue, which would otherwise be empty. When executing a DATA statement, if the first argument does not match any labeled DATA statement, it is a NO-OP, otherwise, if there is one argument, the top item in the matching DATA statement's queue is removed, and if there are two arguments, the value of the second argument, as defined later, will be added to the end of the matching DATA statement's queue.
The CALL statement can take one or two arguments. The first argument must match a label. The statement following the CALL statement is pushed onto the call stack of the matching statement. If there is no second argument, a new empty queue is pushed onto the matching statement's queue stack, otherwise a new queue containing the value of the second argument, as defined later, is pushed onto the matching statement's queue stack. Execution continues with the matching statement. It is an error if the matching statement is the first statement and the first statement is a labeled DATA statement.
The CONTINUE statement can take one or two arguments. All arguments must match a label. If the statement matching the first argument is not a DATA statement, there must not be a second argument, and execution continues with the statement popped from the matching statement's call stack. Otherwise, if the DATA statement's queue is not empty, execution continues with the statement matching the second argument, if present, otherwise, execution continues with the matching DATA statement. If the DATA statement's queue is empty, then the DATA statement's queue stack is popped, and execution continues with the statement popped from the DATA statement's call stack. Stack underflow is an error. As a special case, if the first argument matches the first statement and the first statement is a labeled DATA statement, then, if there is more input available, execution continues with the statement matching the second argument if available, otherwise execution continues with the first statement. If there is no more available input, execution continues with the statement following the CONTINUE statement.
The IF statement must take two arguments. If the values of both arguments, as defined later, are not equal, the next statement is skipped.
The STOP statement takes no arguments and ends the program.
It is an error if there are no more statements to execute. This error can be avoided with a STOP or CONTINUE statement as the last reachable statement.
Here is the definition of the value of the second argument of an executed DATA statement, the second argument of a CALL statement or either argument of an IF statement: if the argument matches a label of a DATA statement, then the value is top item in the matching statement's queue. Otherwise, the value is the literal value of the argument.
If the first statement is a labeled DATA statement, then that statement's queue is used for input and output. The size of the queue item determines how the input and output are converted between bits and digits. If the size is 1, then each digit corresponds to 3 bits, and the output bits are equal to the digit's value modulo 8. If the size is 2, then each digit corresponds to 6 bits, and the output bits are equal to the item's value modulo 64. If the size is 3, then each item corresponds to 9 bits, and the output bits are equal to the item's value modulo 512. If the size is 4, then each item corresponds to 13 bits, and the output bits are equal to the item's value modulo 8192. Larger sizes work analogously.
Here is a RESOL interpreter in Haskell. I wrote it in multiple modules, but crammed everything into a single module for this post.
RESOL uses fixed format lines. If the first column contains C, the line is a comment. Otherwise, columns 1-5 contain an optional label consisting of digits (0-9). Column 6, if not empty nor containing a space, indicates a continuation line. Columns 7-72 contain the statement. The first line cannot be a continuation line and a continuation line cannot directly follow a comment line.
Every labeled statement (except the first statement), has a call stack. Having multiple call stacks permits convoluted code where the returns (from different call sites) are not in the reverse order of the calls.
It is an error for more than one statement to have the same label.
Statements can take one or two arguments. An argument is a sequence of one or more digits (0-9). If there are two arguments, they are separated by a comma.
Every labeled DATA statement has a queue stack. If the first statement is a labeled DATA statement, it has a special queue where reading the queue reads the program's input, and writing to the queue writes the program's output. The statement's queue is the top of queue stack.
The DATA statement can take one or two arguments. If the statement is labeled, the first argument defines the size of the queue item in digits, and the second argument, if present, defines the initial contents of the statement's queue, which would otherwise be empty. When executing a DATA statement, if the first argument does not match any labeled DATA statement, it is a NO-OP, otherwise, if there is one argument, the top item in the matching DATA statement's queue is removed, and if there are two arguments, the value of the second argument, as defined later, will be added to the end of the matching DATA statement's queue.
The CALL statement can take one or two arguments. The first argument must match a label. The statement following the CALL statement is pushed onto the call stack of the matching statement. If there is no second argument, a new empty queue is pushed onto the matching statement's queue stack, otherwise a new queue containing the value of the second argument, as defined later, is pushed onto the matching statement's queue stack. Execution continues with the matching statement. It is an error if the matching statement is the first statement and the first statement is a labeled DATA statement.
The CONTINUE statement can take one or two arguments. All arguments must match a label. If the statement matching the first argument is not a DATA statement, there must not be a second argument, and execution continues with the statement popped from the matching statement's call stack. Otherwise, if the DATA statement's queue is not empty, execution continues with the statement matching the second argument, if present, otherwise, execution continues with the matching DATA statement. If the DATA statement's queue is empty, then the DATA statement's queue stack is popped, and execution continues with the statement popped from the DATA statement's call stack. Stack underflow is an error. As a special case, if the first argument matches the first statement and the first statement is a labeled DATA statement, then, if there is more input available, execution continues with the statement matching the second argument if available, otherwise execution continues with the first statement. If there is no more available input, execution continues with the statement following the CONTINUE statement.
The IF statement must take two arguments. If the values of both arguments, as defined later, are not equal, the next statement is skipped.
The STOP statement takes no arguments and ends the program.
It is an error if there are no more statements to execute. This error can be avoided with a STOP or CONTINUE statement as the last reachable statement.
Here is the definition of the value of the second argument of an executed DATA statement, the second argument of a CALL statement or either argument of an IF statement: if the argument matches a label of a DATA statement, then the value is top item in the matching statement's queue. Otherwise, the value is the literal value of the argument.
Input and output
If the first statement is a labeled DATA statement, then that statement's queue is used for input and output. The size of the queue item determines how the input and output are converted between bits and digits. If the size is 1, then each digit corresponds to 3 bits, and the output bits are equal to the digit's value modulo 8. If the size is 2, then each digit corresponds to 6 bits, and the output bits are equal to the item's value modulo 64. If the size is 3, then each item corresponds to 9 bits, and the output bits are equal to the item's value modulo 512. If the size is 4, then each item corresponds to 13 bits, and the output bits are equal to the item's value modulo 8192. Larger sizes work analogously.
07734 DATA 4 0000001
DATA 07734,23125425157546133742526705450266 0000002
STOP 0000003
0 DATA 1 0000001
1 CONTINUE 0,2 0000002
STOP 0000003
2 DATA 0,0 0000004
DATA 0 0000005
CONTINUE 0,2 0000006
STOP 0000007
Here is a RESOL interpreter in Haskell. I wrote it in multiple modules, but crammed everything into a single module for this post.
module Main(main) where
import Data.Bits(bit,shiftR,testBit)
import Data.Char(chr,ord)
import Data.Map((!))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Environment(getArgs)
data Statement = Statement {
stmtFileName :: String,
stmtLineNumber :: Int,
stmtLabel :: [Int],
stmtCommand :: Command
data Command =
Data1 [Int]
| Data2 [Int] [Int]
| Call1 [Int]
| Call2 [Int] [Int]
| Continue1 [Int]
| Continue2 [Int] [Int]
| If [Int] [Int]
| Stop
parse :: String -> String -> [Statement]
parse fileName str =
reverse $ finishPartial fileName
$ foldl (parseLine fileName) (Nothing,[]) (zip (lines str) [1..])
data PartialStatement = PartialStatement {
psLineNumber :: Int,
psLabel :: String,
psStatement :: String
startPartial = PartialStatement
continuePartial label stmt ps = ps {psLabel = psLabel ps ++ label,
psStatement = psStatement ps ++ stmt }
finishPartial fileName (ps,stmts) =
maybe stmts ((: stmts) . parseStatement fileName) ps
parseLine fileName state ('C':_,_) = (Nothing,finishPartial fileName state)
parseLine fileName state@(ps,stmts) (l1:l2:l3:l4:l5:c:stmt,lineNumber)
| c == ' ' = (Just (startPartial lineNumber label (take 66 stmt)),
finishPartial fileName state)
| otherwise = maybe (errMsg fileName lineNumber
"Invalid continuation line")
(flip (,) stmts . Just
. continuePartial label (take 66 stmt))
where label = [l1,l2,l3,l4,l5]
parseLine fileName state (label,lineNumber) =
(Just (startPartial lineNumber label ""), finishPartial fileName state)
parseStatement fileName ps =
Statement fileName (psLineNumber ps)
(parseNumber fileName (psLineNumber ps) (psLabel ps))
(parseCommand fileName (psLineNumber ps) (psStatement ps))
parseNumber fileName lineNumber str
| all (flip elem (' ':['0'..'9'])) str = map toDigit (filter (/= ' ') str)
| otherwise = errMsg fileName lineNumber "Invalid number"
toDigit c = ord c - ord '0'
parseCommand fileName lineNumber str =
let (cmd,args) = span (flip elem ['A'..'Z']) (filter (/= ' ') str)
(arg1,args') = span (/= ',') args
arg2 = drop 1 args'
in makeCommand fileName lineNumber cmd
(parseNumber fileName lineNumber arg1)
(parseNumber fileName lineNumber arg2)
makeCommand _ _ "DATA" arg@(_:_) [] = Data1 arg
makeCommand _ _ "DATA" arg1@(_:_) arg2@(_:_) = Data2 arg1 arg2
makeCommand _ _ "CALL" arg@(_:_) [] = Call1 arg
makeCommand _ _ "CALL" arg1@(_:_) arg2@(_:_) = Call2 arg1 arg2
makeCommand _ _ "CONTINUE" arg@(_:_) [] = Continue1 arg
makeCommand _ _ "CONTINUE" arg1@(_:_) arg2@(_:_) = Continue2 arg1 arg2
makeCommand _ _ "IF" arg1@(_:_) arg2@(_:_) = If arg1 arg2
makeCommand _ _ "STOP" [] [] = Stop
makeCommand fileName lineNumber cmd _ _ =
errMsg fileName lineNumber ("Invalid command: " ++ cmd)
errMsg fileName lineNumber msg =
error (fileName ++ ':' : show lineNumber ++ ": " ++ msg)
encode :: Int -> [Int] -> String
encode n = bitsToStr . digitsToBits n
decode :: Int -> String -> [Int]
decode n = bitsToDigits n . strToBits
digitsToInteger :: [Int] -> Integer
digitsToInteger ints = digitsToInteger' ints 0 where
digitsToInteger' [] acc = acc
digitsToInteger' (d:ds) acc = digitsToInteger' ds (10*acc + fromIntegral d)
digitCountToBitCount :: Int -> Int
digitCountToBitCount n = highBit (digitsToInteger (take n (repeat 9))) where
highBit 0 = -1
highBit m = 1 + highBit (shiftR m 1)
digitsToBits :: Int -> [Int] -> [Bool]
digitsToBits _ [] = []
digitsToBits n digits =
let bitIndices = reverse [0..digitCountToBitCount n - 1]
(item,rest) = splitAt n digits
in map (testBit (digitsToInteger item)) bitIndices ++ digitsToBits n rest
bitsToDigits :: Int -> [Bool] -> [Int]
bitsToDigits _ [] = []
bitsToDigits n bits =
let nbits = digitCountToBitCount n
bitIndices = reverse [0..nbits - 1]
toDigits :: Int -> Integer -> [Integer] -> [Int]
toDigits 0 _ acc = map fromIntegral acc
toDigits n' m acc = toDigits (n' - 1) (div m 10) (mod m 10 : acc)
bitValue flag bitIndex = if flag then bit bitIndex else 0
(item,rest) = splitAt nbits bits
in toDigits n (sum (zipWith bitValue item bitIndices)) []
++ bitsToDigits n rest
strToBits :: String -> [Bool]
strToBits = concatMap (flip map [7,6..0] . testBit . ord)
bitsToStr :: [Bool] -> String
bitsToStr [] = []
bitsToStr bits =
let (octet,rest) = splitAt 8 bits
byte = sum (zipWith (\ f b -> if f then bit b else 0) octet [7,6..0])
in if length octet == 8
then chr byte : bitsToStr rest
else []
data Stmt = Stmt Statement (Maybe Stmt)
data State = State {
firstStmtLabel :: [Int],
firstStmtItemSize :: Int,
stmtByLabel :: [Int] -> Maybe Stmt,
queueItemSize :: [Int] -> Int,
queues :: M.Map [Int] [[Int]],
stacks :: M.Map [Int] [Stmt]
interpRaw :: [Statement] -> String -> [Int]
interpRaw = interp' (const id)
interp :: [Statement] -> String -> String
interp = interp' encode
interp' :: (Int -> [Int] -> a) -> [Statement] -> String -> a
interp' convert stmts input =
let (stmt,state) = initState stmts
itemSize = firstStmtItemSize state
in convert itemSize $ run stmt state $ decode itemSize input
initState :: [Statement] -> (Stmt,State)
initState statements =
let stmts = makeStmts statements
makeStmts [] = []
makeStmts (s:ss) =
let stmts' = makeStmts ss
in Stmt s (if length stmts' == 0
then Nothing
else Just (head stmts'))
: stmts'
byLabel = M.fromList $ filter ((/= []) . fst)
$ zip (map stmtLabel statements) stmts
toInt [] acc = acc
toInt (d:ds) acc = toInt ds (acc*10 + d)
itemSize (Just (Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=Data1 arg}) _))
= toInt arg 0
itemSize (Just (Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=Data2 arg _}) _)) =
toInt arg 0
itemSize _ = 0
initQueue (Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=Data1 _}) _) = Just [[]]
initQueue (Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=Data2 _ arg}) _) = Just [arg]
initQueue _ = Nothing
in (head stmts,
State {firstStmtLabel=stmtLabel (head statements),
firstStmtItemSize=itemSize (Just (head stmts)),
stmtByLabel=flip M.lookup byLabel,
queueItemSize=itemSize . flip M.lookup byLabel,
queues=M.mapMaybe initQueue byLabel,
stacks=fmap (const []) byLabel})
pushCall :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Stmt -> State -> State
pushCall label args returnStmt state =
let stacks' = M.adjust (returnStmt:) label (stacks state)
queues' = M.adjust (args:) label (queues state)
in state {stacks=stacks', queues=queues'}
retCall :: [Int] -> State -> (Stmt,State)
retCall label state =
let stmt = head ((stacks state) ! label)
stacks' = M.adjust tail label (stacks state)
queues' = M.adjust tail label (queues state)
in (stmt,state {stacks=stacks', queues=queues'})
modifyQueue :: ([Int] -> [Int]) -> [Int] -> State -> State
modifyQueue modify label state =
let modifyHead queues = (modify (head queues)) : tail queues
in state {queues = M.adjust modifyHead label (queues state)}
dequeue :: [Int] -> State -> State
dequeue label state =
modifyQueue (drop (queueItemSize state label)) label state
queueItem :: [Int] -> State -> [Int]
queueItem label state =
take (queueItemSize state label) (head (queues state ! label))
enqueue :: [Int] -> [Int] -> State -> State
enqueue label digits state = modifyQueue (++ digits) label state
isQueue :: [Int] -> State -> Bool
isQueue label state = M.member label (queues state)
isFirst :: [Int] -> State -> Bool
isFirst label state = label == firstStmtLabel state
value :: [Int] -> State -> [Int] -> [Int]
value arg state input =
if isQueue arg state
then if isFirst arg state
then take (firstStmtItemSize state) input
else queueItem arg state
else arg
run :: Stmt -> State -> [Int] -> [Int]
run (Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=Data1 label}) (Just next)) state input =
if isFirst label state
then run next state (drop (firstStmtItemSize state) input)
else run next (dequeue label state) input
run (Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=Data2 arg1 arg2}) (Just next)) state input =
if isFirst arg1 state
then (value arg2 state input) ++ run next state input
else run next (enqueue arg1 (value arg2 state input) state) input
run stmt@(Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=Call1 label}) _) state input =
call [] label stmt state input
run stmt@(Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=Call2 label args}) _) state input =
call (value args state input) label stmt state input
run stmt@(Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=Continue1 label}) _) state input =
if isFirst label state
then continueFirst label label stmt state input
else continue label label stmt state input
run stmt@(Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=Continue2 label label2}) _) state input=
if isFirst label state
then continueFirst label label2 stmt state input
else continue label label2 stmt state input
run (Stmt (Statement {stmtCommand=If arg1 arg2}) (Just next)) state input =
if value arg1 state input == value arg2 state input
then run next state input
else case next of
(Stmt _ (Just next')) -> run next' state input
_ -> errorMsg next "No following statement"
run (Stmt stmt@(Statement {stmtCommand=Stop}) _) state input = []
run stmt@(Stmt _ Nothing) _ _ = errorMsg stmt "No following statement"
call :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Stmt -> State -> [Int] -> [Int]
call args label stmt@(Stmt _ (Just next)) state input =
let doCall calledStmt =
run calledStmt (pushCall label args next state) input
in maybe (errorMsg stmt ("Undefined label: " ++ concatMap show label))
(stmtByLabel state label)
continueFirst :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Stmt -> State -> [Int] -> [Int]
continueFirst label label2 stmt@(Stmt _ next) state [] =
maybe (errorMsg stmt "No following statement")
(flip (flip run state) [])
continueFirst label label2 stmt state input =
maybe (errorMsg stmt ("Undefined label: " ++ concatMap show label2))
(flip (flip run state) input)
(stmtByLabel state label2)
continue :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Stmt -> State -> [Int] -> [Int]
continue label label2 stmt state input =
let ret = let (stmt',state') = retCall label state
in run stmt' state' input
cont ([]:_) = ret
cont _ = maybe (errorMsg stmt ("Undefined label: "
++ concatMap show label2))
(flip (flip run state) input)
(stmtByLabel state label2)
in maybe ret cont (M.lookup label (queues state))
errorMsg :: Stmt -> String -> a
errorMsg (Stmt statement _) msg =
error (stmtFileName statement ++ ':' : show (stmtLineNumber statement)
++ ": " ++ msg)
main :: IO ()
main = do
(srcs,run) <- fmap (parseArgs interp) getArgs
statements <- sequence (map readSrc srcs)
interact (run (concat statements))
readSrc :: String -> IO [Statement]
readSrc "" = fmap (uncurry parse . (,) "<stdin>") getContents
readSrc src = fmap (uncurry parse . (,) src) (readFile src)
parseArgs :: ([Statement] -> String -> String) -> [String]
-> ([String],[Statement] -> String -> String)
parseArgs run ("-r":args) =
parseArgs (\ stmts -> concatMap show . interpRaw stmts) args
parseArgs run [] = ([""],run)
parseArgs run srcs = (srcs,run)
Monday, December 14, 2009
The Parenthesis Hell programming language
The Parenthesis Hell programming language is an obfuscated, Lisp-like programming language. The only values are a cons pair or nil, which can be represented by using a subset of S-expressions. Since nil can be written as (), the dotted pair notation is superfluous, and everything can be written in list notation. Thus, in Parenthesis Hell, everything must be written in list notation, so everything Parenthesis Hell consists of matched pairs of open and close parentheses. All other characters are ignored.
I will use the dotted-pair notation for clarity. In particular, it highlights certain ways Parenthesis Hell differs from Lisp. However, it must be translated to list notation to be legal Parenthesis Hell.
A Parenthesis Hell program consists of a single expression. Its argument is the program's input. The program's output is the value of the expression.
An expression is either nil, written as (), or a cons pair.
nil, or (), evaluates to the current argument.
A cons pair, (head . tail), is evaluated by looking up head in the current scope, with tail as its argument.
The initial scope defines 7 functions.
quote, (() . expr), evaluates to the literal expr.
letrec, ((()) (definition-list) . expr), creates a new scope with given definitions, which may shadow definitions in the enclosing scopes, including those in the initial scope, and evalutes to the evaluation of expr in the new scope.
cdr, ((()()) . expr), evaluates to the tail of the evaluation of expr in the current scope. If expr evaluates to nil, the value is nil.
if, ((()()()) cond expr1 . expr2), evaluates to the evaluation of expr1 in the current scope if the evaluation of cond in the current scope is not nil, otherwise it evaluates to the evaluation of expr2 in the current scope. If (cond expr1 . expr2) is nil or if (expr1 . expr2) is nil, the value is nil.
car, (((())) . expr), evaluates to the head of the evaluation of expr in the current scope. If expr evaluates to nil, the value is nil.
cons, (((())()) expr1 . expr2), evaluates to the cons of the evaluation of expr1 and the evaluation of expr2 in the current scope.
If (expr1 . expr2) is nil, the value is nil.
eval, ((((()))) . expr), evaluates to the evaluation of the evaluation of expr in the current scope. Obligatory in languages where code is data.
In a new letrec scope, ((()) (definition-list) . expr), definition-list is a list of (name . body), where name is defined
within the scope, which includes the bodies in the definition-list. When name is invoked as (name . expr), the evaluation of expr in the current scope becomes the argument, referred to by (), in scope of name's body. The value of (name . expr) is value of body evaluated in the scope of name's body. nils in the definition-list are ignored.
The initial scope can optionally define additional functions.
concat, ((()(())) expr1 . expr2), takes the evaluation of expr1 and the evaluation expr2 in the current scope as output, and returns a value that would output the bits of expr1, followed by the bits of expr2. An approximate implementation in Parenthesis Hell, which does not evaluate expr1 and expr2 separately, is
(ph-concat . (((())()) expr1 . expr2)), or (ph-concat . (cons expr1 . expr2)), is equivalent to (concat expr1 . expr2). The Parenthesis Hell implementation can use huge amounts of memory, having implementing concat in the interpreter enables some code that would otherwise cause out of memory errors.
Hello world:
I wrote it in multiple modules, but crammed everything into a single module for this post.
I will use the dotted-pair notation for clarity. In particular, it highlights certain ways Parenthesis Hell differs from Lisp. However, it must be translated to list notation to be legal Parenthesis Hell.
A Parenthesis Hell program consists of a single expression. Its argument is the program's input. The program's output is the value of the expression.
An expression is either nil, written as (), or a cons pair.
nil, or (), evaluates to the current argument.
A cons pair, (head . tail), is evaluated by looking up head in the current scope, with tail as its argument.
The initial scope defines 7 functions.
() | quote | (() . expr) |
(()) | letrec | ((()) (definition-list) . expr) |
(()()) | cdr | ((()()) . expr) |
(()()()) | if | ((()()()) cond expr1 . expr2) |
((())) | car | (((())) . expr) |
((())()) | cons | ((()()) expr1 . expr2) |
(((()))) | eval | ((((()))) . expr) |
quote, (() . expr), evaluates to the literal expr.
letrec, ((()) (definition-list) . expr), creates a new scope with given definitions, which may shadow definitions in the enclosing scopes, including those in the initial scope, and evalutes to the evaluation of expr in the new scope.
cdr, ((()()) . expr), evaluates to the tail of the evaluation of expr in the current scope. If expr evaluates to nil, the value is nil.
if, ((()()()) cond expr1 . expr2), evaluates to the evaluation of expr1 in the current scope if the evaluation of cond in the current scope is not nil, otherwise it evaluates to the evaluation of expr2 in the current scope. If (cond expr1 . expr2) is nil or if (expr1 . expr2) is nil, the value is nil.
car, (((())) . expr), evaluates to the head of the evaluation of expr in the current scope. If expr evaluates to nil, the value is nil.
cons, (((())()) expr1 . expr2), evaluates to the cons of the evaluation of expr1 and the evaluation of expr2 in the current scope.
If (expr1 . expr2) is nil, the value is nil.
eval, ((((()))) . expr), evaluates to the evaluation of the evaluation of expr in the current scope. Obligatory in languages where code is data.
Creating new scopes
In a new letrec scope, ((()) (definition-list) . expr), definition-list is a list of (name . body), where name is defined
within the scope, which includes the bodies in the definition-list. When name is invoked as (name . expr), the evaluation of expr in the current scope becomes the argument, referred to by (), in scope of name's body. The value of (name . expr) is value of body evaluated in the scope of name's body. nils in the definition-list are ignored.
The initial scope can optionally define additional functions.
concat, ((()(())) expr1 . expr2), takes the evaluation of expr1 and the evaluation expr2 in the current scope as output, and returns a value that would output the bits of expr1, followed by the bits of expr2. An approximate implementation in Parenthesis Hell, which does not evaluate expr1 and expr2 separately, is
(ph-concat . (((())()) expr1 . expr2)), or (ph-concat . (cons expr1 . expr2)), is equivalent to (concat expr1 . expr2). The Parenthesis Hell implementation can use huge amounts of memory, having implementing concat in the interpreter enables some code that would otherwise cause out of memory errors.
Example code
Hello world:
An interpreter, written in Haskell
I wrote it in multiple modules, but crammed everything into a single module for this post.
module Main(main) where
import Data.Bits(bit,testBit)
import Data.Char(chr,ord)
import Prelude hiding (lookup,head,tail)
import System.Environment(getArgs)
data Value = Nil | Cons Value Value
instance Show Value where
show a = '(' : shows a ")" where
shows Nil s = s
shows (Cons a b) s = '(' : shows a (')' : shows b s)
isNil :: Value -> Bool
isNil Nil = True
isNil _ = False
car :: Value -> Value
car (Cons a _) = a
car Nil = Nil
cdr :: Value -> Value
cdr (Cons _ b) = b
cdr Nil = Nil
instance Read Value where
readsPrec p s@('(':_) = [readNext s]
readsPrec p (_:s) = readsPrec p s
readsPrec p [] = []
readNext :: String -> (Value,String)
readNext ('(':s) = readNext' s
readNext' ('(':s) =
let (car,s') = readNext' s
(cdr,s'') = readNext' s'
in (Cons car cdr,s'')
readNext' (')':s) = (Nil,s)
readNext' (_:s) = readNext' s
readNext' [] = error "unmatched ("
readNext (')':_) = error "unmatched )"
readNext (_:s) = readNext s
readNext [] = error "unmatched ("
strToValue :: String -> Value
strToValue [] = Cons Nil Nil
strToValue (c:cs) = bitsToValue [7,6..0] c
bitsToValue [] _ = strToValue cs
bitsToValue (b:bs) byte =
(if testBit (ord c) b then Cons else flip Cons)
(bitsToValue bs byte) Nil
valueToStr :: Value -> String
valueToStr value = valueToBits [7,6..0] 0 value
valueToBits [] byte rest = chr byte : valueToStr rest
valueToBits _ _ Nil = []
valueToBits (_:bs) byte (Cons Nil rest) = valueToBits bs byte rest
valueToBits (b:bs) byte (Cons rest _) = valueToBits bs (byte + bit b) rest
data ValueTrie a = ValueTrie (ValueTrie a) (ValueTrie a) (Maybe a) | Empty
head Empty = Empty
head (ValueTrie hd _ _) = hd
tail Empty = Empty
tail (ValueTrie _ tl _) = tl
value Empty = Nothing
value (ValueTrie _ _ val) = val
empty :: ValueTrie a
empty = Empty
insert :: ValueTrie a -> Value -> a -> ValueTrie a
insert trie key val =
let insertValue trie = ValueTrie (head trie) (tail trie) (Just val)
in insert' trie key insertValue
insert' :: ValueTrie a -> Value -> (ValueTrie a -> ValueTrie a) -> ValueTrie a
insert' trie Nil insertValue = insertValue trie
insert' trie (Cons hd tl) insertValue =
let insertTail trie' =
ValueTrie (head trie')
(insert' (tail trie') tl insertValue)
(value trie')
in ValueTrie (insert' (head trie) hd insertTail) (tail trie) (value trie)
lookup :: ValueTrie a -> Value -> Maybe a
lookup = lookup' value
lookup' :: (ValueTrie a -> b) -> ValueTrie a -> Value -> b
lookup' value Empty _ = value Empty
lookup' value trie Nil = value trie
lookup' value trie (Cons hd tl) =
case lookup' id (head trie) hd of
Empty -> value Empty
trie' -> lookup' value (tail trie') tl
data Scope a b = Root | Nested (Scope a b) (a -> Maybe b)
root :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Scope a b
root = Nested Root
nested :: Scope a b -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Scope a b
nested = Nested
get :: Show a => Scope a b -> a -> b
get scope@(Nested outer getValue) name =
case getValue name of
Just value -> value
Nothing -> get outer name
get Root name = error (show name)
data Op = Op (Value -> Scope Value Op -> Value -> Value)
op (Op op) = op
rootScope :: Scope Value Op
rootScope = root getBinding where
getBinding Nil = Just (Op quoteOp)
getBinding (Cons Nil Nil) = Just (Op letOp)
getBinding (Cons Nil (Cons Nil Nil)) = Just (Op cdrOp)
getBinding (Cons Nil (Cons Nil (Cons Nil Nil))) = Just (Op ifOp)
getBinding (Cons Nil (Cons (Cons Nil Nil) Nil)) = Just (Op concatOp)
getBinding (Cons (Cons Nil Nil) Nil) = Just (Op carOp)
getBinding (Cons (Cons Nil Nil) (Cons Nil Nil)) = Just (Op consOp)
getBinding (Cons (Cons (Cons Nil Nil) Nil) Nil) = Just (Op evalOp)
getBinding _ = Nothing
quoteOp input scope arg = arg
letOp input scope Nil = Nil
letOp input scope (Cons bindings letBody) =
let bindingList Nil = empty
bindingList (Cons Nil rest) = bindingList rest
bindingList (Cons (Cons name body) rest) =
let definedOp input scope arg =
eval (eval input scope arg) letScope body
in insert (bindingList rest) name (Op definedOp)
letScope = nested scope (lookup (bindingList bindings))
in eval input letScope letBody
cdrOp input scope arg = cdr (eval input scope arg)
ifOp input scope Nil = Nil
ifOp input scope (Cons _ Nil) = Nil
ifOp input scope (Cons cond body)
| isNil (eval input scope cond) = eval input scope (cdr body)
| otherwise = eval input scope (car body)
carOp input scope arg = car (eval input scope arg)
consOp input scope Nil = Nil
consOp input scope (Cons head tail) =
Cons (eval input scope head) (eval input scope tail)
evalOp input scope arg = eval input scope (eval input scope arg)
concatOp input scope Nil = Nil
concatOp input scope (Cons head tail) =
let concat Nil rest = rest
concat (Cons Nil Nil) rest = rest
concat (Cons Nil tl) rest = Cons Nil (concat tl rest)
concat (Cons hd tl) rest = Cons (concat hd rest) tl
in concat (eval input scope head) (eval input scope tail)
eval input scope Nil = input
eval input scope expr = (op (get scope (car expr))) input scope (cdr expr)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
(toStr,code,arg) <- processArgs valueToStr args
putStr $ toStr $ eval arg rootScope code
processArgs :: (Value -> String) -> [String] -> IO (Value -> String,Value,Value)
processArgs toStr [] = do
src <- getContents
return (toStr, read src, Nil)
processArgs _ ("-v":args) = processArgs show args
processArgs toStr (file:_) = do
src <- readFile file
input <- getContents
return (toStr, read src, strToValue input)
Monday, December 7, 2009
It had been over 10 years since I had last written anything in Haskell, so I decided to try using it to see if I still could. I returned to the simple 01_ programming language that I invented earlier this year, and wrote an interpreter, and it took less than a day. I didn't worry about making it fast, but the interpreter compiled with ghc was about twice as fast as the one I wrote in C
I had written an interpreter in Java, and the source was about 3 times longer than the Haskell version. Since Haskell has laziness built-in, I didn't have to code in the laziness. The source for the interpreter in C that I wrote was about twice the size of the Java version and about 6 times the Haskell version. A lot of the C code was junk for debugging the memory management, since I couldn't rely on a garbage collector.
I first wrote the Haskell 01_ interpreter in multiple modules, and it would be more maintainable that way. However, I'll present here all smashed into a single module, so that it can be stuck into a single file and run.
I had written an interpreter in Java, and the source was about 3 times longer than the Haskell version. Since Haskell has laziness built-in, I didn't have to code in the laziness. The source for the interpreter in C that I wrote was about twice the size of the Java version and about 6 times the Haskell version. A lot of the C code was junk for debugging the memory management, since I couldn't rely on a garbage collector.
Haskell | 216 lines |
Java | 782 lines |
C | 1527 lines |
I first wrote the Haskell 01_ interpreter in multiple modules, and it would be more maintainable that way. However, I'll present here all smashed into a single module, so that it can be stuck into a single file and run.
module Main(main) where
import Data.Bits(bit,testBit)
import Data.Char(chr,ord)
import Data.List(splitAt,elemIndex,(!!))
import Data.Map(Map,empty,findWithDefault,insert,member,(!))
import qualified Data.Map(map)
import System.Environment(getArgs)
data Token = Symbol String | Zero | One | Equal | Dot | Nil
tokenize :: String -> [Token]
tokenize ('=':'=':cs) = tokenize (dropComment cs)
tokenize ('0':cs) = Zero : tokenize cs
tokenize ('1':cs) = One : tokenize cs
tokenize ('=':cs) = Equal : tokenize cs
tokenize ('.':cs) = Dot : tokenize cs
tokenize ('_':cs) = Nil : tokenize cs
tokenize (' ':cs) = tokenize cs
tokenize ('\t':cs) = tokenize cs
tokenize ('\r':cs) = tokenize cs
tokenize ('\n':cs) = tokenize cs
tokenize [] = []
tokenize cs = tokenizeSymbol cs ""
tokenizeSymbol s@(c:cs) symbol =
case c of
'=' -> Symbol (reverse symbol) : tokenize s
'0' -> Symbol (reverse symbol) : tokenize s
'1' -> Symbol (reverse symbol) : tokenize s
'.' -> Symbol (reverse symbol) : tokenize s
'_' -> Symbol (reverse symbol) : tokenize s
' ' -> Symbol (reverse symbol) : tokenize cs
'\t' -> Symbol (reverse symbol) : tokenize cs
'\r' -> Symbol (reverse symbol) : tokenize cs
'\n' -> Symbol (reverse symbol) : tokenize cs
_ -> tokenizeSymbol cs (c:symbol)
tokenizeSymbol [] symbol = [Symbol (reverse symbol)]
dropComment ('\n':cs) = cs
dropComment (_:cs) = dropComment cs
dropComment [] = []
type Bits = [Bool]
data Pattern = Literal Bits | Binding Bits String | Wildcard Bits
data Expr = LiteralBits Bits | Concat Expr Expr | Bound Int | Call String [Expr]
data Definition = Def [Pattern] Expr
data Signature = Sig String [Pattern] [Token]
parseSigs :: [Token] -> [Signature]
parseSigs (Symbol s:tokens) = parseSig s [] tokens []
parseSigs [] = []
parseSigs _ = error "name expected to start definition"
parseSig name patterns (Equal:tokens) [] =
collectBody name (reverse patterns) tokens []
parseSig name patterns (Equal:tokens) bits =
collectBody name (reverse (Literal (reverse bits) : patterns)) tokens []
parseSig name patterns (Zero:tokens) bits =
parseSig name patterns tokens (False:bits)
parseSig name patterns (One:tokens) bits =
parseSig name patterns tokens (True:bits)
parseSig name patterns (Nil:tokens) bits =
parseSig name (Literal (reverse bits) : patterns) tokens []
parseSig name patterns (Symbol binding:tokens) bits =
parseSig name (Binding (reverse bits) binding : patterns) tokens []
parseSig name patterns (Dot:tokens) bits =
parseSig name (Wildcard (reverse bits) : patterns) tokens []
collectBody name patterns (Dot:tokens) body =
Sig name patterns (reverse body) : parseSigs tokens
collectBody name patterns (token:tokens) body =
collectBody name patterns tokens (token:body)
collectBody name patterns [] body = error ("unexpected end of body of "++name)
groupDefs [] defs = reverse defs
groupDefs (sig@(Sig name patterns _):sigs) defs =
case findWithDefault [] name defs of
[] -> groupDefs sigs (insert name [sig] defs)
siglist@(Sig _ otherPatterns _:_) ->
if length patterns /= length otherPatterns then
error ("arity mismatch:"++name)
groupDefs sigs (insert name (sig:siglist) defs)
parseDefs defs = (map (parseDef arities)) defs
arities = (\ (Sig _ patterns _:_) -> length patterns) defs
parseDef arities (Sig _ patterns body) =
case body of
[] -> Def patterns (LiteralBits [])
_ -> Def patterns
(foldr1 (\a b -> Concat a b) (parseExprs arities bindings body))
bindings = map (\ (Binding _ name) -> name)
(filter (\x -> case x of Binding _ _ -> True; _ -> False) patterns)
parseExprs arities bindings [] = []
parseExprs arities bindings tokens@(Zero:_) =
parseLiteral arities bindings tokens []
parseExprs arities bindings tokens@(One:_) =
parseLiteral arities bindings tokens []
parseExprs arities bindings tokens@(Nil:_) =
parseLiteral arities bindings tokens []
parseExprs arities bindings (Symbol name:tokens) =
case elemIndex name bindings of
Just i -> Bound i : parseExprs arities bindings tokens
Nothing ->
let (args,exprs) = splitAt (arities ! name) (parseExprs arities bindings tokens)
in Call name args : exprs
parseLiteral arities bindings (Zero:tokens) literal =
parseLiteral arities bindings tokens (False:literal)
parseLiteral arities bindings (One:tokens) literal =
parseLiteral arities bindings tokens (True:literal)
parseLiteral arities bindings [] literal = [LiteralBits (reverse literal)]
parseLiteral arities bindings [Nil] literal = [LiteralBits (reverse literal)]
parseLiteral arities bindings (Nil:tokens) literal =
LiteralBits (reverse literal) : parseExprs arities bindings tokens
parseLiteral arities bindings tokens literal =
LiteralBits (reverse literal) : parseExprs arities bindings tokens
parseBodies :: [Signature] -> Map String [Definition]
parseBodies sigs = parseDefs (groupDefs sigs empty)
arity :: Map String [Definition] -> String -> Int
arity defs fn = case defs ! fn of (Def patterns _):_ -> length patterns
apply :: Map String [Definition] -> String -> [Bits] -> Bits
apply defs fn args =
let evalMatching Nothing (Def patterns expr) =
case bind patterns args [] of
Just bindings -> Just (eval defs bindings expr)
_ -> Nothing
evalMatching result _ = result
in case foldl evalMatching Nothing (defs ! fn) of
Just bits -> bits
_ -> error ("No matching pattern for "++fn)
bind :: [Pattern] -> [Bits] -> [Bits] -> Maybe [Bits]
bind (pattern:patterns) (arg:args) acc =
case pattern of
Literal bits ->
case matchArg bits arg of
Just [] -> bind patterns args acc
_ -> Nothing
Binding bits _ ->
case matchArg bits arg of
Just binding -> bind patterns args (binding:acc)
_ -> Nothing
Wildcard bits ->
case matchArg bits arg of
Just _ -> bind patterns args acc
_ -> Nothing
bind [] [] acc = Just (reverse acc)
matchArg (bit:bits) (argBit:argBits)
| bit == argBit = matchArg bits argBits
| otherwise = Nothing
matchArg [] arg = Just arg
matchArg _ [] = Nothing
eval :: Map String [Definition] -> [Bits] -> Expr -> Bits
eval _ _ (LiteralBits bits) = bits
eval defs bindings (Concat head tail) =
eval defs bindings head ++ eval defs bindings tail
eval _ bindings (Bound i) = bindings !! i
eval defs bindings (Call fn args) =
apply defs fn (map (eval defs bindings) args)
main :: IO ()
main = do
stdinText <- getContents
interpArgs <- getArgs
let (files,fn,argFiles) = parseArgs interpArgs []
stdinBits = textToBits stdinText
sigs <- readSources files []
args <- readArgs stdinBits argFiles []
let defs = parseBodies sigs
let nils = []:nils
let result = apply defs fn (take (arity defs fn) (args ++ stdinBits:nils))
putStr (bitsToStr result)
parseArgs ("-":fn:args) files = (reverse files,fn,args)
parseArgs ["-"] files = (reverse files,defaultFn files,[])
parseArgs (file:args) files = parseArgs args (file:files)
parseArgs [] files = (reverse files,defaultFn files,[])
defaultFn (fn:_) =
(fst . (break (=='.')) . reverse . fst . (break (=='/')) . reverse) fn
readSources [] sigs = return sigs
readSources (file:files) sigs = do
text <- readFile file
let s = sigs ++ ((parseSigs . tokenize) text)
readSources files s
readArgs _ [] args = return (reverse args)
readArgs stdinBits ("-":files) args =
readArgs stdinBits files (stdinBits:args)
readArgs stdinBits (file:files) args = do
text <- readFile file
readArgs stdinBits files (textToBits text:args)
textToBits text = foldl (++) [] (map charToBits text) where
charToBits char = map (testBit (ord char)) [7,6..0]
bitsToStr [] = []
bitsToStr bits =
let (byte,rest) = splitAt 8 bits
bitToInt flag index = if flag then bit index else 0
bitsToChar bs = chr (foldl (+) 0 (zipWith bitToInt bs [7,6..0]))
bitsToChar byte : bitsToStr rest
Monday, November 30, 2009
The demo I got most recently pulled into, involving protocols and file formats that I don't know, as well as working over a weekend, is finished. But now there's another, totally different, demo that needs to be set up by the end of the week.
On another front, the caching optimization that I've also been pulled into is being tested. First, people reviewing the code had problems with
because, based on that snippet, they said that the synchronized statement does nothing. However, if they had looked inside the synchronized statement, they would have seen the lock object being put inside a static cache, and, if they had looked at the code just outside of the snippet, they would have seen code extracting stuff from the cache. The snippet is inside the if block that occurs when extracting null from the cache. One of the else blocks would have done a synchronized on a lock object extracted from the cache to block on it instead of duplicating the work done by the thread that created the lock object.
In any case, there was a problem with the code. It seems that the code that generated the stuff in the cache also had some side-effects, so that when there was a cache hit, it would fail due to the side-effects not being done. But the caching code was being blamed, because it didn't fail in the "single-threaded case", which apparently didn't test the cache hit case.
There was a real problem with the caching code that was revealed. If the thread generating the cached data threw an exception, it would release the lock, but the lock object would still be in the cache, so other threads would endlessly loop, waiting for the first thread to replace the lock object with the cached data.
This is what the code should be with the proper clean-up:
Note that without the finally block, if computeData() were to throw an exception, all other lookups with that key would go into infinite loops.
The point of this code is to call computeData() only once per key, to avoid load spikes when starting up. Another approach, which was also implemented, is to preload the cache. But that code is much more uninteresting.
Unfortunately, the actual code was made more complicated, though the caching logic should be the same.
On another front, the caching optimization that I've also been pulled into is being tested. First, people reviewing the code had problems with
Object lock = new Object();
synchronized (lock) {
because, based on that snippet, they said that the synchronized statement does nothing. However, if they had looked inside the synchronized statement, they would have seen the lock object being put inside a static cache, and, if they had looked at the code just outside of the snippet, they would have seen code extracting stuff from the cache. The snippet is inside the if block that occurs when extracting null from the cache. One of the else blocks would have done a synchronized on a lock object extracted from the cache to block on it instead of duplicating the work done by the thread that created the lock object.
In any case, there was a problem with the code. It seems that the code that generated the stuff in the cache also had some side-effects, so that when there was a cache hit, it would fail due to the side-effects not being done. But the caching code was being blamed, because it didn't fail in the "single-threaded case", which apparently didn't test the cache hit case.
There was a real problem with the caching code that was revealed. If the thread generating the cached data threw an exception, it would release the lock, but the lock object would still be in the cache, so other threads would endlessly loop, waiting for the first thread to replace the lock object with the cached data.
This is what the code should be with the proper clean-up:
for (;;) {
Object entry;
synchronized (cache) {
entry = cache.get(key);
if (entry == null) {
Object lock = new Object();
synchronized (lock) {
try {
synchronized (cache) {
if (cache.get(key) != null) {
lock = null;
cache.put(key, lock);
CacheData data = computeData(key);
synchronized (cache) {
cache.put(key, data);
lock = null;
return data;
} finally {
if (lock != null) {
synchronized (cache) {
} else if (entry instanceof CacheData) {
return (CacheData) entry;
} else {
synchronized (entry) {}
Note that without the finally block, if computeData() were to throw an exception, all other lookups with that key would go into infinite loops.
The point of this code is to call computeData() only once per key, to avoid load spikes when starting up. Another approach, which was also implemented, is to preload the cache. But that code is much more uninteresting.
Unfortunately, the actual code was made more complicated, though the caching logic should be the same.
Monday, November 23, 2009
In this caching code that I worked on due to a performance problem, I got some feedback proposing to take out a bunch of the synchronized blocks because of some ignorant reasoning that the synchronized blocks don't do anything except hurt performance. My response pointed out why each of the synchronized blocks was necessary, and, for one instance, quoting the javadoc for java.util.HashMap that says, "If multiple threads access a hash map concurrently, and at least one of the threads modifies the map structurally, it must be synchronized externally."
For the synchronized HashMap access, I suppose using java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap would allow the removal of the synchronization. Since ConcurrentHashMap was introduced in Java 1.5, and the code still had to be Java 1.4, I didn't mention it in my response.
I don't know what will come of this. I don't know the person making the proposal, but I suspect that it is someone who is relatively junior. I hope he or she will learn from this.
For the synchronized HashMap access, I suppose using java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap would allow the removal of the synchronization. Since ConcurrentHashMap was introduced in Java 1.5, and the code still had to be Java 1.4, I didn't mention it in my response.
I don't know what will come of this. I don't know the person making the proposal, but I suspect that it is someone who is relatively junior. I hope he or she will learn from this.
Monday, November 16, 2009
There was some new code recently added passing around an extra parameter that did nothing more than stick an extra string in the logging. The reasoning is
It's like that other almost as silly request from someone who has since left to rename certain threads because he wanted them to have certain names in the logs. Personally, I prefer keeping the thread names from the JVM or from the servlet engine, because they will be unique. I had to rework that thread renaming code after adding some other feature caused thread name collisions. is pretty much impossible to trace the flow of a single request to the server when other requests are coming in. I propose we add a simple prefix to each log [...] that will contain a unique ID per request that can be grepped in the logs...But it's actually not impossible to follow a single request, since each log entry includes the name of the thread. But if it helps him, it's fine with me as long as I don't have to maintain that code.
It's like that other almost as silly request from someone who has since left to rename certain threads because he wanted them to have certain names in the logs. Personally, I prefer keeping the thread names from the JVM or from the servlet engine, because they will be unique. I had to rework that thread renaming code after adding some other feature caused thread name collisions.
Monday, November 9, 2009
I noticed an exception handler in a listener that has been added to a service. Why is there a System.exit?
Any IOException in the listener will halt the entire system. I don't know if that is intentional. At the moment, this listener is pretty much a prototype. The rest of the system is running in production. I imagine that testers would be annoyed if the System.exit blocks the testing of everything else if there are problems with the new listener.
Actually, the webapp would probably just respawn repeatedly until the problem fixes itself, which would probably be never.
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Could not listen on port: " + portNumber + ".");
Any IOException in the listener will halt the entire system. I don't know if that is intentional. At the moment, this listener is pretty much a prototype. The rest of the system is running in production. I imagine that testers would be annoyed if the System.exit blocks the testing of everything else if there are problems with the new listener.
Actually, the webapp would probably just respawn repeatedly until the problem fixes itself, which would probably be never.
Monday, November 2, 2009
So I got thrown into this other project that I know almost nothing about, doing stuff with protocols that I know nothing about, and working with data formats that I know nothing about. Fortunately, dealing with the stuff I know nothing about either involves making library calls or porting existing code. Not that making library calls is simple matter when lacking the understanding of what the calls are supposed to do, which means the code winds up being blindly based on sample code.
While porting code that does stuff that I don't understand, and I came across this function:
After simple-mindedly rewriting it in Java, I realized what it was actually doing, and figured it would be clearer to write it like this:
After looking even more at the code, I realized that the GetNextStartCode was really only being used once with startIndex = 0, and that the subsequent calls were ultimately not used, with bufSize being used in the end.
While porting code that does stuff that I don't understand, and I came across this function:
int GetNextStartCode(Byte_t* pData, size_t bufSize, int startIndex)
uint32_t dataLen = bufSize;
uint32_t codeMask = 0x0ffffff;
uint32_t codeWindow = codeMask;//24 bit window. looking for
uint32_t startCode = 0x000001;
for (int i=startIndex; i<dataLen; i++)
codeWindow = (codeWindow<<8 | pData[i]) & codeMask;
if (codeWindow == startCode)
return i-3;
return -1;
After simple-mindedly rewriting it in Java, I realized what it was actually doing, and figured it would be clearer to write it like this:
private int getNextStartCode(byte[] data, int start) {
for (int i = start; i < data.length-2; i++) {
if (data[i] == 0 && data[i+1] == 0 && data[i+2] == 1)
return i;
return -1;
After looking even more at the code, I realized that the GetNextStartCode was really only being used once with startIndex = 0, and that the subsequent calls were ultimately not used, with bufSize being used in the end.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Over the last few weeks, I've been pulled into numerous different projects. So I can't concentrate on any single one. I don't feel like I'm accomplishing much, as the coding for most of them is trivial. I don't know what the real priorities are, so I just work on whatever comes up.
One is the proof-of-concept demo that I recently wrote about. I can't get other pieces necessary for a full demo to work in the demo environment. The part I wrote seems to work sufficiently well, as far as I can tell. In the meantime, some horribly detailed requirements documentation on what the demo should be got written, which I'm ignoring.
Another is another part of a performance optimization that I've written about before. It seems the caching that was implemented took a lot more memory than anticipated, due to numerous keys keying into identical values. So I got pulled into a meeting where we came up with a scheme to check if a value being added to the cache was already in the cache under a different key, and then point the key at the value already there if possible, instead of another copy. Then, it had to be made to work in the initialization case, where lots of simultaneous threads would be trying to use and fill the cache. So then we decided that the first thread try to put a key in the cache would first put a lock object instead of the value in the cache, while holding the lock, and then construct the value, then replace the lock object with the actual value, so that other threads with the same key would block on the lock object instead of also constructing the value. Since nobody else working on it understood how to code locks, I wound up having to write the code handling the locking.
Another was some other demo that was not very interesting to me, and sounded kind of complicated. I didn't work on it. However, there was a meeting early one morning before I got to work where they decided on a very doable approach. When I was told what it was, I wrote the code in a few hours, tested it, and it seemed to work. As yet, I haven't heard anything more about it, so I'm just sitting on the code.
Another was some integration with some other site, with dragged out email exchanges in which I'm saying that I'm trying something and it doesn't work, but not getting any helpful responses. I've been letting it sit until some manager wants some progress, and I'll try the same thing and send another message saying the same thing to the other site. In the middle of this, the contact at the other site went on vacation for a couple of weeks.
Another was integration with yet another site, which seems to be working now. Months ago, I asked for the details of how to do it, but was told that it wasn't available. So I let it be. Then, some manager wanted to get it done, so I asked if it available now, and copied management on the email so that they could do the talking. Finally, they said it would be available the next day and sent some documentation, which didn't include what the hostname was. I was expecting it to be basically the same as the other things from them that we were integrating with, so that it would be just a matter of configuring a new instance of stuff we already had, but it was different. But at least it was simple. So I took an afternoon to write new code for it. Then, I guessed at the hostname, but I guessed wrong, so I couldn't test it until I got their reply the next day. After that, it seemed to work.
Another is some super secret project requiring high performance. So I looked into the java.util.concurrent and java.util.concurrent.locks packages. And I realized that I really didn't understand Java's volatile. I still don't think I understand volatile (or java.util.concurrent.atomic) well enough to know when to use it, so I'll probably just use locks. But I haven't heard more about this, so it's dropping in priority.
I'm also dealing with random bugs that get assigned to me.
One is the proof-of-concept demo that I recently wrote about. I can't get other pieces necessary for a full demo to work in the demo environment. The part I wrote seems to work sufficiently well, as far as I can tell. In the meantime, some horribly detailed requirements documentation on what the demo should be got written, which I'm ignoring.
Another is another part of a performance optimization that I've written about before. It seems the caching that was implemented took a lot more memory than anticipated, due to numerous keys keying into identical values. So I got pulled into a meeting where we came up with a scheme to check if a value being added to the cache was already in the cache under a different key, and then point the key at the value already there if possible, instead of another copy. Then, it had to be made to work in the initialization case, where lots of simultaneous threads would be trying to use and fill the cache. So then we decided that the first thread try to put a key in the cache would first put a lock object instead of the value in the cache, while holding the lock, and then construct the value, then replace the lock object with the actual value, so that other threads with the same key would block on the lock object instead of also constructing the value. Since nobody else working on it understood how to code locks, I wound up having to write the code handling the locking.
Another was some other demo that was not very interesting to me, and sounded kind of complicated. I didn't work on it. However, there was a meeting early one morning before I got to work where they decided on a very doable approach. When I was told what it was, I wrote the code in a few hours, tested it, and it seemed to work. As yet, I haven't heard anything more about it, so I'm just sitting on the code.
Another was some integration with some other site, with dragged out email exchanges in which I'm saying that I'm trying something and it doesn't work, but not getting any helpful responses. I've been letting it sit until some manager wants some progress, and I'll try the same thing and send another message saying the same thing to the other site. In the middle of this, the contact at the other site went on vacation for a couple of weeks.
Another was integration with yet another site, which seems to be working now. Months ago, I asked for the details of how to do it, but was told that it wasn't available. So I let it be. Then, some manager wanted to get it done, so I asked if it available now, and copied management on the email so that they could do the talking. Finally, they said it would be available the next day and sent some documentation, which didn't include what the hostname was. I was expecting it to be basically the same as the other things from them that we were integrating with, so that it would be just a matter of configuring a new instance of stuff we already had, but it was different. But at least it was simple. So I took an afternoon to write new code for it. Then, I guessed at the hostname, but I guessed wrong, so I couldn't test it until I got their reply the next day. After that, it seemed to work.
Another is some super secret project requiring high performance. So I looked into the java.util.concurrent and java.util.concurrent.locks packages. And I realized that I really didn't understand Java's volatile. I still don't think I understand volatile (or java.util.concurrent.atomic) well enough to know when to use it, so I'll probably just use locks. But I haven't heard more about this, so it's dropping in priority.
I'm also dealing with random bugs that get assigned to me.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Here is 99 bottles of beer in Doggerel. It took several months of spare time to write the 287 stanzas.
No matter how the little worms
inside the bottle rolling to
nirvana make it rattle germs
entitled to the middle brew,
exclaiming sudden bursts of light
in shaded cellars making
gigantic shadows in the night,
hysterics surely taking
the final can of drink in sight
surrounded by the passing stars
evoking silence saving
verbose confessions forming scars
established when the waving
naive believe themselves as czars
suspended over falling walls
infernal as they're braving
xyletic droplets in the halls
from rooms of heavy metal sleep
in beds of liquid fur and most
vindictive sheets that roughly weep
entirely by the troubled coast.
Forgotten creatures slowly dance
on frozen plates of crimson grass
unseen by all except by chance
revealed to potent eyes of brass
throughout the vast design that drips
Hawaiian lava spilling
regrets of distant spiral trips
eventful as a thrilling
erect balloon of curtained ships
that measure more than sunny days
where curving blades are calling
on severed arms and legs ablaze
outside the castle made of bone
no chain would hold while falling
enfolded by a wispy crone
Zimbabwe never clearly saw
erupt from flowered panes of ice
refracting just a single flaw
of what has been constructed twice.
The preserved and converted adapt
to defying the beasts that are trapped
by perplexing devices that sapped
the beginning of canvases flapped
unmistakenly over the slapped
silhouetted pianos held rapt
by dualities slaying the mapped
perforations concluding the capped
disagreements that sheltered the clapped
unconformities after they snapped.
November nights revert to grime
in careless flights of heated cries
no formal craftsman could in time
enable as a cloud of flies.
The creators berserk
had reverted their work.
Zairean moonlight tickled through
enormous fronds of garlic trees
replaced by thick congealing stew
of chopped plantains and herbal teas.
The creators inside
had perverted their pride.
Organic granite slices up
necrotic gumbo coolly
elusive as a magic cup.
The creators pretend
to forever unbend.
Together in the pallid green
without the stroke that duly
omits the crowds, the balls are seen.
The creators revise
their fantastic surprise.
They travel like the silver cards
humanely stacked in amber
remains of jelly that retards
electric motes of legs that clamber
escarpments crafted from their shards.
The creators disprove
an unhittable groove.
Fallacious murmurs spring from fans
on top of sterile cannon blasts
upended by some purple pans
revealing morbid hidden pasts.
The creators survive
a melodious hive.
Flamingos grasping wooden tails
incite a fiercely written fast
velocity of graven nails
escaping former pikes at last.
The creators delight
in a fabulous flight.
Selected once, an army pulls
insipid piles of woolly
xylotic mesh of carbon bulls.
The creators divulge
where performers indulge.
Supporting rebels under law
evicts demands for grimly
vivacious terms to hold a claw
expressing needs so dimly
negating every feral flaw.
The creators propose
an umbilical hose.
Embracing royal feats of great
indifference sorely showing
gymnastic leaps of glee that bait
heroic clowns as knowing
the final class of carnal fate.
The creators direct
the disease to connect.
Toppled hovels in retreat
burst the bubbles by their feet.
Nine and ninety sacks of wheat
serve to fill the more elite
builders with a face of meat
barely more than they can eat.
Sailors know how high the heat
when the mast is but a cheat
hung with just a tattered sheet.
Neglected dramas spend a dime
infested with a purple cream
no collar served with lime
ejected from a happy dream
befriending greasy slabs of broken tricks
of gravel pouring over heavy props
that lobsters used to eat with frozen crops
together with a dozen stains that fix
laconic eyes and stringy toes that grip
eventful minutes on a sinking ship.
The deserving polluters were framing
a ballistic material cart.
The lower steamboats made from straw were blaming
salacious serpents making modern art.
Merchants started taming
monsters held apart.
Dizzy servants not exclaiming
graphite pictures of the heart.
The curtailing berets
could demolish a maze
majestic mortals loathe to solve instead
of threading pens between the jagged lines
reflected in the way the recent dead
endowed graffiti with the growing vines.
The contented consumers avoid
the belated savannah of doom.
Children mocked the coming gloom
praised by speakers who entomb
plastic sculptures in the womb.
Infants soon destroyed
bellies they enjoyed.
The fallopian tubes
had enveloped the cubes
no seven hawks would firmly roll askance
on decorated tables in advance.
The pervading giraffes could dissect
a malignant design that dismisses.
Fading trumpets sounded
strident chords of bliss as
echoes were surrounded.
She hunted shields of pure taboo
protecting screams of danger
against an oceanic blue
compulsion that a stranger
erection ever thrust in view.
Pamphlets drowning voices
seeking empty kisses
find they lost their choices.
Daring vendors shoulder hiding
acrobats who take to guiding
spiders they were not providing
horses sent to them for riding.
The forensic commands
had restricted their hands
subverting other guest official slates
overtly aimed at causing them to crash
metallic chains in sturdy prison gates
exciting spiral clouds from piles of ash.
The conveyance of bushels of grain
had derision compounded with hisses
that glossy coats of varnish
would never start to tarnish.
The beleaguered accountant's misleading performance derailed
the sensational auditor out of the zone
that corrective intentions had silenced alone
and digressions had further confounded reports that had failed
to suppress the unfortunate letter that nobody mailed.
Obliging gemstones fall in place
harpooning precious lines of grace.
Which of the formulas warned of the early
facets exotically turning the pearly
gambits from the lively clouds of haze
prying into joining limbs as surely
as the changing lunar phase
missing liquid spots of girly
giggles flowing from the praise?
Rapid lizards stop and gaze
yearning for the slower days
cattle spend in fields to graze.
Another second spent perfecting curly
numeric systems like a blight
of open gates to soft delight
misplace the smoothly crafted crayon soups
of blank autumnal colors crashing through
regressive twists of blending fuzzy loops
embroidered with pastel surveillance glue.
Blisters formed from ancient rites of trading
breathless gossip on the fingers wading
in the hidden shallows which brew
the donations of pooling confections of dust
at the time of conception are starting to trust
in the patrons of symphonic orations of lust.
The instructions secrete
the unspoken defeat
below the stripes of crystal shaped mystique
eroding serpent stacks of lucid tooth
enamel fast obstructing any leak
rampaging through the gothic leather booth.
The abstractions profoundly misspeak
the most obvious measures of truth.
Rivers run around to seek
common crates of old vermouth.
Oil and grease suppress the noisy squeak
of overheated flying rotors
that barely turn in straining motors
suggesting plural marks of constant calls
of burning veins precisely poised to gain
magnetic shovels digging through the halls
embossed with figures from a running train
supplying miners with their loads of coal
on top of flustered heaps of garbled corn
mundanely mixed with varied grains as whole
editions named by shapely knees were born.
The renditions of cinnamon rarely denounced
the ecstatic contortions of those they pronounced
beneath the calmly governed open sores
of filthy streaks that eagles primly throw
to fleets of simple boats that proudly go
through vital clams abruptly closing doors
litigious vessels always have to lock
eschewing elevated pots in stock.
Socratic measures hold the line
parading under jugs of wine
collapsed by weights of whittled pine.
Solvent masters raking
grated piles of aching
molasses pies were striving
remorseful for the driving
virtuosity hurriedly chipping at dimpled remains
of completely disabled banana galoshes in place
of disposing the feverish trivia suffered with grace
and respect for syntactic retreats from offensive refrains
and invasive disturbances flailing at revenue gains.
Oblique refreshments wipe a stern
neurosis out by pressing fern
extrusions in the wage they earn.
Questions of babies imagined on farms
beg for ingestion of radical charms.
Tiny giants trifle over sordid
vests employed as duty-bound professors.
Nervous veils of silk awarded
rat infested ranks of lessors
drafted by the plane they boarded.
The conventions of distancing moderate saints
of resistance put clarity into a shock
of deliberate signals inspiring a flock
of presiding gelatinous fish that it paints.
Vermin played a part in drying
feeble webs of thunder sighing
western embers lying
over vintage eggs
of tender age that begs
for step-intensive legs.
Vapid comets playing
antics over slaying
jesters placing growing
yews in space are glowing
neon signs of knowing
all that dogs are saying.
Splitting corners with a draining
tablet covered by a training
anvil made by simply raining
melted drops of orange flavored
portions cannot make a favored
essence stop the owl from waning.
The verandas entailed
a perversely curtailed
divine parading rush
of maddened harbor docks
without a suit to hush
nostalgic banging knocks.
The collective betrayal of trust
was a powerful gesture of blame
the refraining repressions of ardor and lust
could decide inspirational stories that tame
the covertly beguiling pretensions of shame
that the currently embattled informers can name
to the honors of bringing a barrel of dust.
Practiced sources craving eighty million
underfunded tracts of old Brazilian
surfing gear promote the best civilian
sideshows based on actual history-making
efforts that reject the gadget taking
eras marveled at by gods of faking.
Lavish salads scrape sincerely
interviewing comics thinking
chanting leads to speaking clearly.
Nonfiction writings can depict
inventions noone can consume.
Nomadic clans of bees restrict
engaging crimes to steal perfume.
Gravity pulling on critical masses
deign to confuse a momentous abyss of
merciful zebra-inhibiting glasses.
In the mostly canonical myths of the tribe,
the forbidden beliefs make adjusting a shirt
an intentional savior from suffering hurt
by returning a farmer to living in dirt
as the livestock are pilfered to pay for a bribe
that the women deliver or so they describe.
The forlorn have intoned
a motif that had owned
a phantom mover stirring grassy lands
rewarding winking rubbish with the chore
of softly sinking placid palms of hands
until the sharpened toes of bulls that gore
neanderthal constructed dolls in sands
dividing ocean from the arid shore.
The belongings of heavenly girls
interfere with the toils of the earth.
Casting out the perfect pearls
weathered into shining swirls,
quests for copper shoes must birth
many names for hidden mirth
given by the evil earls
once the flag of seven twirls.
The calamity ebbs
in the face of the webs
preventing scorching mobs from riots filled
again with fiery speeches citing wild
symbolic martyrs cramming words in chilled
stylistic desperation most reviled.
The concerns of the devious guild
has the previous owners beguiled.
Shelving books of dusty litter
causing sickness in a court of
fighting drunks is like a sort of
rant about a vague report of
how a beer is very bitter
from an able-bodied quitter.
The salvation of donors gives plenty of meat
to the animals stalking the cages to eat.
Of time and space, the final word
has made the empty silence heard.
Promises broken by lazy investors
regulate selling of license molesters.
Asking questions that demand an answer
from the people living in the vision
granting depths of indecision
like a flower makes a dancer
laugh aloud in mock derision
at the papers that provision
maps of every hard collision.
The unworthy prevail
when the home-bound set sail
without a diamond ring to guide their way
against the waves of risings seas that beat
lethargic clubs of water at the bay
lampooning knuckles blistered by the heat.
The congressional matters today
will be sure to go down in defeat.
Flagrant acts of greed display
many methods just to cheat
bombastic pairs of leather gloves that take
entrancing mobs of gangsters to the next
extreme pervading gritty streets of fake
revolts and speeches with subversive text.
Certain volumes drive a sharpened stake
through the muscles someone never flexed.
The voluptuous sirens in colorful styles
have enveloped the towns in confusion for miles.
Saluting soldiers in a grand
parade complete with marching band
and dancing clowns corrupt the land
condemning any working hand
engaged in digging through the sand.
Stable candles taper
gently into tips
of waxy knobs of flaming heat that drips
nonlethal poisons onto flimsy paper.
Claims of wasting summers
fall to bearded drummers.
Baffled tenors strive at reading
operatic scores on boats
that tumble over falls of misty quotes
harrassing rafts of garden gnomes and bleeding
elopers climbing from the deepest moats.
Ginger root receding
makes astonished weeding
take a lesser place to feeding
potted plants that quickly grow
without a crescent moon to light their leaves
at night with ghostly silver rays and show
liaisons with a lady who receives
lasagna as a sort of status quo.
Taverns filled with clamor
under lawns of litter
act to grab the fame and glamour
tamed by spreading glitz and glitter.
Corrosion blamed on leaking pipes
of rusty copper spreads to more
metallic joints a plumber swipes
mistaking them for really poor
agendas pushed by silly gripes.
Total hammer magic
needed very tragic
understanding of pelagic
corpses on the ocean floor
beside the heaps of large marine debris
encased by crusty shells that gladly wore
enamel down to what the world will be
regardless of the well repeated lore.
Younger faces frame the aging portrait
shedding wrinkled skin and graying hair
in the coldest confinement that mirrors could share
with a sickened informant with nothing to wear.
Disgusted doctors send for salt
or pepper with a red balloon
that gaily floats above a vault.
Climb aboard a rafter
lodged above the kitchen
warm and bright and filled with laughter
over ovens with a witch in
logistic quandaries of the mind
forbidding cakes of every kind.
Icy winds in winter
strip protective covers
used for wading ducks to splinter
pregnant flocks of frozen plovers.
Sufficient answers take the wrong
position on the facts along
contrived offensive words in song.
Terrific seasons sit on vain display
around the massive corners of a vast
kazoo that serenades a crypt to say
eternal buzzing truths of dice recast.
Torrid streams of liquor
injure squads of quicker
local runners under wicker
cages bolted to the floor
of tainted tiles that shift beneath the feet
notorious for stepping over more
egregious oily puddles in the street.
Hardy ravens diving
at the bats arriving
from the deepest caves are striving
to digest the insects much
denied by educated wars of wits
on candid plains and hidden hills that touch
wherever rocks can roll a can that fits
nucleic acids in the bags they clutch.
Sylvan creatures running
from the very cunning
predatory hunters who are gunning
for a mounted trophy raise a loud
alarm resounding through the glen like fast
neutrinos warning that a nova cloud
destroying worlds is coming with a blast.
Rabid rabbits hopping
like a woman shopping
for an outfit made by chopping
fabrics from a rubber block
providing music from a bony drum
apply their juicy carrots with a shock
sustained by hatching eggs of cocoa rum
subtracting any time around the clock.
Quiet roars of fury
silencing a jury
save a storm from sudden acts of worry
over healthy bouts of reading signs
inside the waiting arms of trite designs
triumphing over waning stocks of wines.
Corny dolphins racing
through the oceans facing
weathered locks of hair displacing
solid weights of moldy cheese
arrive in choppy waters splashing through
restrictive gates and raise a chilly breeze
ordaining credits mingled in Peru
unless accounting methods say to seize
nonfiction writings made by showing true
defiance to a fatal brain disease.
Wealthy butchers chopping
rancid sausage stake a
sinful claim to tacos after dropping
twenty tons of rotten beef to fake a
condition based on facing hard
ordeals and hazards like a calm
magician flipping up a card
morosely in her practiced palm
as quick as any acting guard.
Stupid thinkers naming
sweaters after flaming
kittens falling off of fences
taller than discreet expenses
the rebelling subordinates have to submit
to the governing bureaucrats over the wall
to be itemized publicly otherwise quit
bestowing orange yarn to young recruits
excepting those with feline features most
exactly matching their obscure pursuits
resigned to chasing tails along the coast.
Inventive drifters bless a dreary pill
collected from a dealer on the hill
the pernicious reformers ascend as a stunt
for the blatant promotion of protests that blunt
sequestered lawyers seeking large
police injunctions barring men
convicted on a minor charge.
Dapper butlers serving
onions have again
observed that stellar orbits rarely take
nonstandard paths of most eccentric curving.
Somber sisters praying
over strands of graying
tresses start the fight by saying
words of venom that contain
tremendous twists of tongue concealing slight
hallucinations of a quaint refrain
emerging out of unrepentent spite.
Stalwart heads refusing
heavy hats are using
scarves of brightly colored satin
smuggled out of dense Manhattan
whenever certain bridges overhead
are open to contaminated trucks
lamented by awful crates of dead
logicians swearing over flying ducks.
Proven motives leading
cattle are inviting
troubled birds to start proceeding
up the stairway to the biting
dispensers spewing classic floods
of dirty language mixed with studs
tangential to the flow of suds.
Strong ensembles loathing
skinny tubes of cotton
search for sturdy lines of clothing
given to a misbegotten
libretto written to escape
from lives that go completely ape
when the roosters crowing
at the hanging gardens
choke on chunks of snowing
grain that quickly hardens
to a lumpy pellet growing
with no thought to beg for pardons.
In a flash of inspiring solutions to problems of crime
that concern the subordinate schedules that manage their time,
objective rulers stealing bread
have stooped to sweeping crumbs instead.
Ravenous crickets opposed to confinement
chirped in crescendo of total alignment.
Stymied censors look for any trace of
unrenounced taboos in all the mailings
through official means in place of
more generic forms and failings
filling the offices nearly
shuttered by contractors yearly.
Superhuman mothers feeling
sudden hunger pangs are dealing
drugs for babies and revealing
clues to what the kids are stealing.
Sporadic weakness takes away
progressive gains from everyday
corruption shaving bits of hay.
Nutritious meals of beef puree and rack
of lamb with apples bring the masses back.
Looting pirates boarding
ships with ropes rewarding
calloused hands and feet are hoarding
treasures wrested with a keen
machete free from rightful hands and stashed
opaquely under trees with leaves unseen
remotely from afar by watchers smashed
effetely with a shiny new machine.
Tempting salads drying
in the sun decrying
tasteful colors turn to flying
sick vermillion flags of fear
beneath the winds that carry sordid scents
of rotten fish in pools of tepid beer
to all the armies camped in crowded tents
throughout the barren fields that hold a cold
lament for older times of chandelier
ejections and the tickets that they sold
surprising many buyers with their fear.
Sad behemoths haunting
spacious halls of daunting
doors of steel but ever taunting
those who never dare to knock
on solid wooden planks that stand and block
from view the rooms are winding up a clock.
Ghastly aphids chewing
grass before pursuing
beetles overrun their queuing
with gigantic mass stampedes
befitting ego tripping bugs with late
edition textbooks sold to one who needs
emphatic whispers telling tales of fate
refined by ruthless edits live in weeds.
Looming boulders casting
shadows over fasting
hordes of cats that everlasting
gangs of mummies fear to seek
overtly by Egyptian streams that leak
napoleonic dreams become antique.
Clever fleas invading
worm infested wading
pools inscribed with lines of fading
text describing most obscure
tomatoes eaten by the drowning brown
hermaphrodites that only follow pure
eclipses find that water makes them frown.
Grieving widows sitting
in the halls of fitting
rooms prepare to stop their knitting
clubs from making unmatched socks
completely when disposing piles
of fertile dung beneath the dock's
marine environs flashing smiles
malicious as a cardboard box
a pilot uses for their files
withdrawing from their small reserves before
a hard financial look at what a brash
lieutenant really has to do to score
logistic wins against a pile of cash.
Tardy tuna swimming
through the sadly dimming
rivers weigh on trimming
extra gallons from the pallid
pools of muck no longer valid
as an underwater cage
neglecting any mention of the stage
on which a fishing village shows its age.
Rich fanatics rising
through the ranks disguising
all distinctive marks surprising
careful stalkers seeking out
mutations find that fundamental change
of loyal values needs to see about
reluctant stragglers planning to derange
embellished plants with what they want to shout.
Zealous monarchs writing
novels of exciting
new adventures with some fighting
over surly wenches born
before the sky turned hazy yellow like
outmoded burlap sacks of ripened corn
that feed the crowded livestock on a hike
to vistas in imaginary lands
lambasted critics from their thrones of horn
enamel polished by unsightly hands
suggesting more than fragile skin was torn.
Weary workers shooting
down the streets saluting
grimy urchins in refuting
first impressions formed in heat
of battle whisper in attempts to cheat
flamboyant marchers when they all compete.
Vocal critics praising
epic films of hazing
burnt saloon designers gazing
over walls and walls of beer
before the bottles taken down and then
enjoyed by all until at last the sheer
ensuing wall of empty shelves again
remind them of their work can only sneer.
Shady paths meander
through the forest leading
only to a view of grander
trees providing leaves for feeding
locales where rodents gather nuts
for winter stores and savor what's
denied them any other day
of spring when hungry panthers prey
together on them as the gay
Clammy fools relating
stories of the mating
mice about to bell the cattle
faltered in the heat of battle.
Giraffes degrading filtered water with
organic matter is a blatant myth.
Squalid rooms attracting
parents interacting
with a cool and quick reacting
manner with their children seem
to have a smaller door and may redeem
obscure delinquents waking from a dream.
Craven felines prowling
gardens watched by scowling
zombie dolls encounter howling
when a heartless robot chops
the trees in which a ruby footed witch
had found a grave beneath a house that stops
elastic midgets falling in a ditch.
Two quartets unite to
sit in squares of light to
gather weekly laughs to write to
sellers with their antics made
so viewers sing along or hum their theme
that sums their situation up as played
on boxes sitting all around extreme
remote locations and their maid can fade
exactly in the center of the stream.
Mountains filled with singing
by a sextet swinging
with a nun in training bringing
luggage into hiding from
a searching squadron on the Alpine slopes
narrate their flight in footprints that become
defining marks inspiring dreams and hopes.
Golden tickets hidden
in an overridden
candy wrapper of forbidden
pleasures for a lucky five
bestow admittance to a sweetened room
upset by greedy tongues that scheme to drive
your business into markets full of gloom.
Men in red are dying
as the giant flying
ship transports the strangely prying
man in blue with funny ears
subjecting foes to pinching to the neck
or rather to the shoulder as the year's
migration dumps the good and keeps the dreck
exposed to docile viewers that it steers.
Fragile shoes are shining
at the prince divining
where her feet are bare and dining
in the soot as other feet
command her service every night
or morning as they try to cheat
misguided toes they think just might
molest the slipper but defeat
assured by sizes make the fight
more futile than a dance while in a dress
of magic that expires in an hour
rewarding them with mice that cannot press
enough to even move an orange flower.
Flaky pastries burning
brightly as returning
bakers start discerning
frosting from the flaming troubles
form a doughy ring of bubbles.
Notations written on a hand
instead of paper have to send
nonstandard signals over bland
ebullience favored by the trend.
Former fighters hiding
with the angels take on
jobs against presiding
of injustice coinciding
with creating guns and wake on
streets with big explosions from
bazookas as the one in heavy chains
of gold and strange iconic haircut some
today call tribal mutters and disdains
the fools before they falter and succumb
lamenting to the white-haired leader's plane's
effective shots with his cigar and rum
selected for their wayward heading.
Timid weavers threading
fibers that a shedding
cougar leaves behind when bedding
in a cave with newly found
obese magenta crabs have turned around
for bolts of cloth with paw prints from a hound.
When a big explosion
and some small erosion
caused the mind to feel corrosion,
turning green with rage would cause
barbaric bulging muscle growths to start
erupting through his clothes without a pause
except to leave intact perhaps so art
retains its style the purple pants he draws.
Groups competing weekly
are allied obliquely
to promote themselves as sleekly
as they can to win a prize
of cash and fleeting fame they then reprise
nonstop to stay before the public's eyes.
Yellow circle eating
pellets as competing
chasers made to be retreating
by the blinker roams the halls
to find the treasured fruit appearing like
hallucinations stuck between the walls
existing briefly for the bite to strike.
By the kids with yellow
skin, the bald man's bellow
fills the air as he starts choking
with his hands the brat provoking
him with disrespect for all
logistic reasons with his small
forgetful mind and friend in thrall.
Disputed lands where bombs explode
on settled towns and yet the road
to leave is empty must have flowed
with riches in the past but now is bare
as desert sands that still attract the new
lessees who trust police to fight the scare
lamenting terror makers want to brew.
Suicidal actions
end this tale of factions
mixing with attractions
leading to a reckless meeting
in the dark of night so fleeting
with the dance of stars retreating.
And a hop and a skip
bring a stop to the trip.
First the poet goes to lower
circles losing hope in slower
ways then climbs up to the knower.
Random thoughts dismiss the hours
taken by the rampant powers
going up and down the towers.
Autumn trees surround a humble
house and with a little stumble
came a blonde who with a mumble
was hungry breaking in and then she stole
a little food and then she yawned and with
licentious manner overlooked the whole
lethargic room and crawled in bed as myth
of dreams invaded when the residents
In a flash the entitlement felt by the girl
by herself in the cottage was gone in a whirl.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Doggerel Programming Language
The Doggerel programming language interprets lines of verse as code. The instructions are encoded in the meter, rhyme scheme, and the acrostic of each stanza. It has a single stack of strings and can define subroutines that are called by name.
How the meter, rhyme scheme, and acrostic are determined is implementation-dependent.
Here is a Java implementation in two files. The first,, implements the boring stack interpreter. The second,, implements the verse parsing using a file from CMUdict.
How the meter, rhyme scheme, and acrostic are determined is implementation-dependent.
- PushString - meter is iambic with an odd number of feet. Pushes the acrostic of the stanza onto the stack. If the first line ends with an unstressed syllable, all lines that rhyme with the first line, including the first line, are removed from the acrostic. This enables pushing the empty string.
- PushCharacter - meter is iambic with an even number of feet. Pushes a string containing the character named by the acrostic onto the stack. The names of characters are implementation-dependent. (For example, "one" causes "1" to be pushed on the stack.) If the first line ends with an unstressed syllable, all lines that rhyme with the first line, including the first line, are removed from the acrostic.
- Pop - meter is trochaic with the number of feet an even multiple of 4. Removes elements from the stack. The first line in the stanza corresponds to the top of the stack, the 2nd line corresponds to the 2nd element in the stack, etc. All elements corresponding to lines rhyming with the first line, including the top element, are removed from the stack.
- Float - meter is trochaic with the number of feet an even multiple of 4 plus 1. Moves elements to the top of the stack. The first line in the stanza corresponds to the top of the stack, the 2nd line corresponds to the 2nd element in the stack, etc. All elements corresponding to lines not rhyming with the first line are moved to the top of the stack, but otherwise retaining their relative positions.
- Read - meter is trochaic with the number of feet an even multiple of 4 plus 2. Reads a line from standard input and pushes it onto the stack.
- Write - meter is trochaic with the number of feet an even multiple of 4 plus 3. Writes elements on the stack to standard output. The first line in the stanza corresponds to the top of the stack, the 2nd line corresponds to the 2nd element in the stack, etc. All elements corresponding to lines rhyming with the first line, including the top element, are written to standard output, starting with the top element and ending with the deepest element.
- Call - meter is anapestic with the number of feet an even multiple of 4. Calls previously defined subroutines by name. The first line in the stanza corresponds to the top of the stack, the 2nd line corresponds to the 2nd element in the stack, etc. If the top of the stack is not the empty string, it calls the subroutine defined by element corresponding to the first subsequent line that rhymes with the first line. If no such subroutine is defined, it calls the one corresponding to the 3rd subsequent line, and then the 5th, 7th, etc if they are not defined. If the top of the stack is empty, it calls the subroutine defined by the element corresponding to the 2nd subsequent line, or the 4th, 6th, etc, if no such subroutine is defined.
- Concatenate - meter is anapestic with the number of feet an even multiple of 4 plus 1. Concatenates strings on the stack and pushes the result onto the stack. The first line in the stanza corresponds to the top of the stack, the 2nd line corresponds to the 2nd element in the stack, etc. Strings corresponding to lines the rhyme with the first line, including the first line, are concatenated, starting with the top of the stack and ending with the deepest element.
- Return - meter is anapestic with the number of feet an even multiple of 4 plus 2. Returns from the most recent call. Exits if the call stack is empty.
- Define - meter is anapestic with the number of feet an even multiple of 4 plus 3. The subsequent instructions up to a (non-nested) Return instruction define a subroutine that is associated with a string on the stack. Defines can be nested. Multiple subroutines can be defined. Any subroutines previously associated with a string are discarded. The first line in the stanza corresponds to the top of the stack, the 2nd line corresponds to the 2nd element in the stack, etc. The top of the stack is associated with the subsequent subroutine. Additional strings, in order of increasing depth, corresponding to lines rhyming with the first line, are also associated with subsequent instructions up to a Return instruction.
- Loop - meter is dactylic with the number of feet an even multiple of 3. If the stack is not empty and the top of the stack is not the empty string, resume execution from the start of the subroutine, or, if the call stack is empty, from the very first instruction. If the stack is empty or if the top of the stack is the empty string, continue execution with the subsequent instruction.
- DropMatchingHead - meter is dactylic with the number of feet an even multiple of 3 plus 1. The first line in the stanza corresponds to the top of the stack, the 2nd line corresponds to the 2nd element in the stack, etc. For the elements corresponding to lines that rhyme with the first line, starting with the deepest element and ending with the 2nd element, push that string with the start that matches the start of the top of the stack removed. For example, if the rhyme scheme is ABABAB, and the stack contains "abc" "2" "axy" "4" "abcdef" "6" "7", the new top of the stack would be "xy" "def" "7".
- DropHead - meter is dactylic with the number of feet an even multiple of 3 plus 2. The first line in the stanza corresponds to the top of the stack, the 2nd line corresponds to the 2nd element in the stack, etc. For the elements corresponding to lines that rhyme with the first line, starting with the deepest element and ending with the 2nd element, push that string with the with the initial substring with length the length of the top of the stack removed. For example, if the rhyme scheme is ABABAB, and the stack contains "abc" "2" "axy" "4" "abcdef" "6" "7", the new top of the stack would be "" "def" "".
Here is a Java implementation in two files. The first,, implements the boring stack interpreter. The second,, implements the verse parsing using a file from CMUdict.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Boring {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 1)
System.err.println("Usage: java Boring FILE.BORING");
new Interpreter(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(, new PrintWriter(System.out), BoringSyntaxParser.parse(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[0])))).run();
public static class NamedCharacters {
private static final String NUL = "\u0000";
private static final String SOH = "\u0001";
private static final String STX = "\u0002";
private static final String ETX = "\u0003";
private static final String EOT = "\u0004";
private static final String ENQ = "\u0005";
private static final String ACK = "\u0006";
private static final String BEL = "\u0007";
private static final String BS = "\u0008";
private static final String HT = "\u0009";
private static final String LF = "\n";
private static final String VT = "\u000b";
private static final String FF = "\u000c";
private static final String CR = "\r";
private static final String SO = "\u000e";
private static final String SI = "\u000f";
private static final String DLE = "\u0010";
private static final String DCONE= "\u0011";
private static final String DCTWO = "\u0012";
private static final String DCTHREE = "\u0013";
private static final String DCFOUR = "\u0014";
private static final String NAK = "\u0015";
private static final String SYN = "\u0016";
private static final String ETB = "\u0017";
private static final String CAN = "\u0018";
private static final String EM = "\u0019";
private static final String SUB = "\u001a";
private static final String ESC = "\u001b";
private static final String FS = "\u001c";
private static final String GS = "\u001d";
private static final String RS = "\u001e";
private static final String US = "\u001f";
private static final String SPACE = "\u0020";
private static final String SPC = "\u0020";
private static final String EXCLAMATION = "\u0021";
private static final String BANG = "\u0021";
private static final String DQUOTE = "\u005c\u0022";
private static final String QUOTE = "\u005c\u0022";
private static final String NUMBER = "\u0023";
private static final String POUND = "\u0023";
private static final String HASH = "\u0023";
private static final String SHARP = "\u0023";
private static final String DOLLAR = "\u0024";
private static final String PERCENT = "\u0025";
private static final String AMPERSAND = "\u0026";
private static final String AMP = "\u0026";
private static final String SQUOTE = "\u0027";
private static final String TICK = "\u0027";
private static final String LPAREN = "\u0028";
private static final String RPAREN = "\u0029";
private static final String ASTERISK = "\u002a";
private static final String STAR = "\u002a";
private static final String PLUS = "\u002b";
private static final String COMMA = "\u002c";
private static final String MINUS = "\u002d";
private static final String HYPHEN = "\u002d";
private static final String DOT = "\u002e";
private static final String PERIOD = "\u002e";
private static final String STOP = "\u002e";
private static final String SLASH = "\u002f";
private static final String ZERO = "\u0030";
private static final String OH = "\u0030";
private static final String ONE = "\u0031";
private static final String TWO = "\u0032";
private static final String THREE = "\u0033";
private static final String FOUR = "\u0034";
private static final String FIVE = "\u0035";
private static final String SIX = "\u0036";
private static final String SEVEN = "\u0037";
private static final String EIGHT = "\u0038";
private static final String NINE = "\u0039";
private static final String COLON = "\u003a";
private static final String SEMICOLON = "\u003b";
private static final String SEMI = "\u003b";
private static final String LESS = "\u003c";
private static final String LT = "\u003c";
private static final String EQUAL = "\u003d";
private static final String EQ = "\u003d";
private static final String GREATER = "\u003e";
private static final String GT = "\u003e";
private static final String QUESTION = "\u003f";
private static final String AT = "\u0040";
private static final String LBRACKET = "\u005b";
private static final String BACKSLASH = "\u005c\u005c";
private static final String RBRACKET = "\u005d";
private static final String CARET = "\u005e";
private static final String CIRCUMFLEX = "\u005e";
private static final String UNDERSCORE = "\u005f";
private static final String BQUOTE = "\u0060";
private static final String GRAVE = "\u0060";
private static final String BACKTICK = "\u0060";
private static final String LBRACE = "\u007b";
private static final String VERTICAL = "\u007c";
private static final String PIPE = "\u007c";
private static final String RBRACE = "\u007d";
private static final String TILDE = "\u007e";
private static final String DEL = "\u007f";
private static HashMap<String,String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
static {
for (Field field : NamedCharacters.class.getDeclaredFields())
if (String.class == field.getType())
try {
map.put(field.getName(), (String) field.get(null));
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static String get(String name) {
String string = map.get(name.toUpperCase());
return string != null ? string : "";
public static class BoringSyntaxParser {
private static Instruction parseLine(String line) {
int colon = line.indexOf(':');
if (colon < 0)
return null;
String op = line.substring(0, colon);
String operand = line.substring(colon + 1);
if (op.equals("PushString"))
return new PushInstruction(operand);
if (op.equals("PushCharacter"))
return new PushInstruction(NamedCharacters.get(operand));
if (op.equals("Pop"))
return new PopInstruction(operand);
if (op.equals("Float"))
return new FloatInstruction(operand);
if (op.equals("Define"))
return new DefineInstruction(operand);
if (op.equals("Call"))
return new CallInstruction(operand);
if (op.equals("Return"))
return ReturnInstruction.RETURN_INSTRUCTION;
if (op.equals("Concatenate"))
return new ConcatenateInstruction(operand);
if (op.equals("Write"))
return new WriteInstruction(operand);
if (op.equals("Read"))
return ReadInstruction.READ_INSTRUCTION;
if (op.equals("DropHead"))
return new DropHeadInstruction(operand);
if (op.equals("DropMatchingHead"))
return new DropMatchingHeadInstruction(operand);
if (op.equals("Loop"))
return LoopInstruction.LOOP_INSTRUCTION;
return null;
public static List<Instruction> parse(BufferedReader in) {
ArrayList<Instruction> instructions = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
String line;
try {
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
Instruction instruction = parseLine(line);
if (instruction != null)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return instructions;
public static class Interpreter {
private BufferedReader in;
private PrintWriter out;
private List<Instruction> instructions;
private InterpreterFrame currentFrame;
private List<InterpreterFrame> callStack = new LinkedList<InterpreterFrame>();
private List<String> stack = new ArrayList<String>();
private Map<String,List<Instruction>> routines = new HashMap<String,List<Instruction>>();
public Interpreter(BufferedReader in, PrintWriter out, List<Instruction> instructions) { = in;
this.out = out;
this.instructions = instructions;
this.currentFrame = new InterpreterFrame(instructions);
public BufferedReader in() {
return in;
public PrintWriter out() {
return out;
public List<String> getStack() {
return stack;
public void defineRoutine(String routine, List<Instruction> instructions) {
routines.put(routine, instructions);
public boolean callRoutine(String routine) {
List<Instruction> instructions = routines.get(routine);
if (instructions == null)
return false;
callStack.add(0, currentFrame);
currentFrame = new InterpreterFrame(instructions);
return true;
public void returnFromRoutine() {
if (callStack.size() > 0)
currentFrame = callStack.remove(0);
public InterpreterFrame getFrame() {
return currentFrame;
public void run() {
for (;;) {
if (!currentFrame.done())
else if (callStack.size() != 0)
public static class InterpreterFrame {
private int instructionPointer;
private List<Instruction> instructions;
public InterpreterFrame(List<Instruction> instructions) {
this.instructionPointer = 0;
this.instructions = instructions;
public Instruction nextInstruction() {
return instructions.get(instructionPointer++);
public void loop() {
instructionPointer = 0;
public boolean done() {
return instructionPointer >= instructions.size();
public void setDone() {
instructionPointer = instructions.size();
public static abstract class Instruction {
public abstract void execute(Interpreter state);
protected List<Boolean> parseOperand(String operand) {
List<Boolean> list = new ArrayList<Boolean>();
for (int i = 0; i < operand.length(); i++)
list.add(operand.charAt(i) == operand.charAt(0));
return list;
public abstract String getBoring();
protected String getBoringOperand(List<Boolean> elements) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (boolean element : elements)
sb.append(element ? "A" : "B");
return sb.toString();
public static class PushInstruction extends Instruction {
private String string;
public PushInstruction(String string) {
this.string = string;
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
state.getStack().add(0, string);
public String getString() {
return string;
public String getBoring() {
return "PushString:"+string;
public static class PopInstruction extends Instruction {
private List<Boolean> elements;
public PopInstruction(String operand) {
this.elements = parseOperand(operand);
public PopInstruction(List<Boolean> elements) {
this.elements = elements;
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
List<String> stack = state.getStack();
for (int i = elements.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (elements.get(i) && stack.size() > i)
public List<Boolean> getElements() {
return elements;
public String getBoring() {
return "Pop:"+getBoringOperand(elements);
public static class FloatInstruction extends Instruction {
private List<Boolean> elements;
public FloatInstruction(String operand) {
this.elements = parseOperand(operand);
public FloatInstruction(List<Boolean> elements) {
this.elements = elements;
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
List<String> floated = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> stack = state.getStack();
for (int i = elements.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!elements.get(i) && stack.size() > i)
for (String string : floated)
stack.add(0, string);
public List<Boolean> getElements() {
return elements;
public String getBoring() {
return "Float:"+getBoringOperand(elements);
public static class DefineInstruction extends Instruction {
private List<Boolean> elements;
public DefineInstruction(String operand) {
this.elements = parseOperand(operand);
public DefineInstruction(List<Boolean> elements) {
this.elements = elements;
private int getRoutineCount() {
int count = 0;
for (boolean element : elements)
if (element)
return count;
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
List<String> stack = state.getStack();
InterpreterFrame frame = state.getFrame();
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
if (elements.get(i)) {
List<Instruction> instructions = new ArrayList<Instruction>();
int nested = 0;
while (!frame.done()) {
Instruction instruction = frame.nextInstruction();
if (instruction instanceof DefineInstruction) {
nested += ((DefineInstruction) instruction).getRoutineCount();
} else if (instruction instanceof ReturnInstruction) {
if (nested == 0)
if (i < stack.size())
state.defineRoutine(stack.get(i), instructions);
public List<Boolean> getElements() {
return elements;
public String getBoring() {
return "Define:"+getBoringOperand(elements);
public static class CallInstruction extends Instruction {
private List<Boolean> elements;
public CallInstruction(String operand) {
this.elements = parseOperand(operand);
public CallInstruction(List<Boolean> elements) {
this.elements = elements;
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
List<String> stack = state.getStack();
int count = 0;
boolean test = false;
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
if (elements.get(i) && i < stack.size()) {
if (count == 0)
test = stack.get(i).length() == 0;
else if ((count%2 == 0) == test && state.callRoutine(stack.get(i)))
public List<Boolean> getElements() {
return elements;
public String getBoring() {
return "Call:"+getBoringOperand(elements);
public static class ReturnInstruction extends Instruction {
public static final ReturnInstruction RETURN_INSTRUCTION = new ReturnInstruction();
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
public String getBoring() {
return "Return:";
public static class ConcatenateInstruction extends Instruction {
private List<Boolean> elements;
public ConcatenateInstruction(String operand) {
this.elements = parseOperand(operand);
public ConcatenateInstruction(List<Boolean> elements) {
this.elements = elements;
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
List<String> stack = state.getStack();
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
if (elements.get(i) && i < stack.size())
stack.add(0, stringBuilder.toString());
public List<Boolean> getElements() {
return elements;
public String getBoring() {
return "Concatenate:"+getBoringOperand(elements);
public static class WriteInstruction extends Instruction {
private List<Boolean> elements;
public WriteInstruction(String operand) {
this.elements = parseOperand(operand);
public WriteInstruction(List<Boolean> elements) {
this.elements = elements;
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
List<String> stack = state.getStack();
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
if (elements.get(i) && i < stack.size())
public List<Boolean> getElements() {
return elements;
public String getBoring() {
return "Write:"+getBoringOperand(elements);
public static class ReadInstruction extends Instruction {
public static final ReadInstruction READ_INSTRUCTION = new ReadInstruction();
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public String getBoring() {
return "Read:";
public static class DropHeadInstruction extends Instruction {
private List<Boolean> elements;
public DropHeadInstruction(String operand) {
this.elements = parseOperand(operand);
public DropHeadInstruction(List<Boolean> elements) {
this.elements = elements;
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
List<String> stack = state.getStack();
String head = null;
List<String> tails = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
if (elements.get(i) && i < stack.size()) {
if (head == null)
head = stack.get(i);
else if (stack.get(i).length() <= head.length())
tails.add(0, "");
tails.add(0, stack.get(i).substring(head.length()));
for (String tail : tails)
stack.add(0, tail);
public List<Boolean> getElements() {
return elements;
public String getBoring() {
return "DropHead:"+getBoringOperand(elements);
public static class DropMatchingHeadInstruction extends Instruction {
private List<Boolean> elements;
public DropMatchingHeadInstruction(String operand) {
this.elements = parseOperand(operand);
public DropMatchingHeadInstruction(List<Boolean> elements) {
this.elements = elements;
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
List<String> stack = state.getStack();
String head = null;
List<String> tails = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) {
if (elements.get(i) && i < stack.size()) {
if (head == null)
head = stack.get(i);
tails.add(0, dropMatchingHead(head, stack.get(i)));
for (String tail : tails)
stack.add(0, tail);
private String dropMatchingHead(String head, String string) {
for (int i = 0; i < head.length(); i++)
if (i >= string.length())
return "";
else if (head.charAt(i) != string.charAt(i))
return string.substring(i);
return string.substring(head.length());
public List<Boolean> getElements() {
return elements;
public String getBoring() {
return "DropMatchingHead:"+getBoringOperand(elements);
public static class LoopInstruction extends Instruction {
public static final LoopInstruction LOOP_INSTRUCTION = new LoopInstruction();
public void execute(Interpreter state) {
List<String> stack = state.getStack();
if (stack.size() > 0 && stack.get(0).length() > 0)
public String getBoring() {
return "Loop:";
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class DoggerelCMUDict {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String dictFile = "cmudict.0.7a";
boolean debug = false;
int i = 0;
for (;;) {
if (i + 1 < args.length && args[i].equals("-d")) {
dictFile = args[i + 1];
} else if (args[i].equals("-debug")) {
debug = true;
} else {
if (i + 1 != args.length) {
System.err.println("Usage: java DoggerelCMUDict [-d DICTIONARY-FILE] FILE.DOGGEREL");
} else {
Dict dict = new Dict(dictFile);
Verses verses = new Verses(dict, args[i]);
public static class Dict {
HashMap<String,String> dict = new HashMap<String,String>();
public Dict(String filename) {
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.length() < 2 || (line.charAt(0) == ';' && line.charAt(1) == ';'))
int space = line.indexOf(' ');
if (space < 0 || space + 1 >= line.length() || line.charAt(space + 1) != ' ')
dict.put(line.substring(0, space), line.substring(space + 1));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public String lookup(String word) {
return dict.get(word.toUpperCase());
public static class Phoneme {
private String word;
private String phoneme;
private int stress;
public Phoneme(String word, String phoneme) {
this.word = word;
if (phoneme == null) {
this.phoneme = null;
stress = -1;
} else if (phoneme.endsWith("0")) {
this.phoneme = phoneme.substring(0, phoneme.length() - 1);
stress = 0;
} else if (phoneme.endsWith("1")) {
this.phoneme = phoneme.substring(0, phoneme.length() - 1);
stress = 1;
} else if (phoneme.endsWith("2")) {
this.phoneme = phoneme.substring(0, phoneme.length() - 1);
stress = 2;
} else {
this.phoneme = phoneme;
stress = -1;
public String toString() {
return (stress > 0 ? " '" : " ") + phoneme;
public String getWord() {
return word;
public String getPhoneme() {
return phoneme;
public int getStress() {
return stress;
public void destress() {
assert stress > 0;
stress = 0;
public static List<Phoneme> toPhonemes(Dict dict, String text) {
ArrayList<Phoneme> phonemes = new ArrayList<Phoneme>();
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(text, " \t\",.-;:?!");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String word = st.nextToken();
String lookup = dict.lookup(word);
if (lookup == null) {
phonemes.add(new Phoneme(word, null));
} else {
StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(lookup);
while (st2.hasMoreTokens())
phonemes.add(new Phoneme(word, st2.nextToken()));
return phonemes;
private static final String[][] DESTRESS_WORDS = {
{ "a", "an" },
{ "of", "to", "for", "in", "with", "on", "from" },
{ "is", "was", "were", "be" },
{ "that", "which" },
private static final HashMap<String,Integer> DESTRESS = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
static {
for (int i = 0; i < DESTRESS_WORDS.length; i++)
for (String s : DESTRESS_WORDS[i])
DESTRESS.put(s, i);
private static void destress(List<Phoneme> phonemes) {
Phoneme thisSyllable = null;
Phoneme nextSyllable = null;
for (Phoneme phoneme : phonemes) {
if (phoneme.getStress() < 0)
thisSyllable = nextSyllable;
nextSyllable = phoneme;
if (thisSyllable == null || thisSyllable.getStress() == 0 || nextSyllable.getStress() == 0)
Integer thisDestress = DESTRESS.get(thisSyllable.getWord().toLowerCase());
Integer nextDestress = DESTRESS.get(nextSyllable.getWord().toLowerCase());
if (thisDestress == null && nextDestress == null)
if (thisDestress == null)
else if (nextDestress == null)
else if (nextDestress.intValue() < thisDestress.intValue())
else if (thisDestress.intValue() < nextDestress.intValue())
// iambic (01): PushString or PushCharacter
// even number of feet: PushCharacter, odd number of feet, PushString
// if first line ends in nonstressed syllable (feminine/dactylic rhyme),
// ignore lines rhyming with first line to make acrostic
// trochaic (10): feet mod 4: 0:pop 1:float 2:read 3:write
// anapestic (001): feet mod 4: 0:call 1:concatenate 2:return 3:define
// dactylic (100): feet mod 3: 0:loop 1:dropmatchinghead 2:drophead
public static int getFeet(List<Phoneme> phonemes) {
int syllables = 0;
for (Phoneme phoneme : phonemes)
if (phoneme.getStress() >= 0)
switch (getMeter(phonemes)) {
return syllables/3;
return (syllables+2)/3;
return (syllables+1)/2;
case IAMBIC:
return syllables/2;
public static enum Meter {
public static Meter getMeter(List<Phoneme> phonemes) {
int meter = 0;
int count = 0;
for (Phoneme phoneme : phonemes) {
if (phoneme.getStress() < 0)
if (phoneme.getStress() > 0)
meter |= 1 << count;
if (count > 31)
// cmudict tends to stress syllables that, in context, shouldn't be
switch (meter & 7) {
case 0: // 000
switch (meter & 24) {
case 0: // 00000
return Meter.IAMBIC;
case 8: // 00010
return Meter.IAMBIC;
case 16: // 00001
return Meter.TROCHAIC;
case 24: // 00011
return Meter.IAMBIC;
assert false;
return Meter.IAMBIC;
case 1: // 100
return Meter.DACTYLIC;
case 2: // 010
return Meter.IAMBIC;
case 3: // 110
return Meter.IAMBIC;
case 4: // 001
return Meter.ANAPESTIC;
case 5: // 101
return Meter.TROCHAIC;
case 6: // 011
return Meter.IAMBIC;
case 7: // 111
return Meter.IAMBIC;
assert false;
return Meter.IAMBIC;
public static boolean masculineRhyme(List<Phoneme> phonemes) {
for (int i = phonemes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
switch (phonemes.get(i).getStress()) {
case 0:
return false;
case 1:
case 2:
return true;
return true;
public static boolean rhymes(List<Phoneme> line1, List<Phoneme> line2) {
int i1 = line1.size() - 1;
int i2 = line2.size() - 1;
while (i1 >= 0 && i2 >= 0) {
String phoneme1 = line1.get(i1).getPhoneme();
if (phoneme1 == null || !phoneme1.equals(line2.get(i2).getPhoneme()))
return false;
if (line1.get(i1).getStress() > 0)
return line2.get(i2).getStress() > 0;
return false;
public static String rhymeScheme(List<List<Phoneme>> lines) {
if (lines.size() == 0)
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char nextRhyme = 'B';
for (int i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++) {
boolean hasRhyme = false;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (rhymes(lines.get(i), lines.get(j))) {
hasRhyme = true;
if (!hasRhyme) {
if (nextRhyme < 'z')
return sb.toString();
public static String acrostic(List<String> stanza) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String line : stanza) {
for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++)
if (Character.isLetter(line.charAt(i))) {
return sb.toString();
public static String acrostic(List<String> stanza, String rhymeScheme) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char first = rhymeScheme.length() > 0 ? rhymeScheme.charAt(0) : 'A';
for (int i = 1; i < stanza.size(); i++) {
if (i >= rhymeScheme.length() || rhymeScheme.charAt(i) != first) {
String line = stanza.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < line.length(); j++)
if (Character.isLetter(line.charAt(j))) {
return sb.toString();
public static class Verses {
private Dict dict;
private String filename;
private boolean debug = false;
public Verses(Dict dict, String filename) {
this.dict = dict;
this.filename = filename;
private boolean readStanza(BufferedReader in, List<String> stanza) throws IOException {
for (;;) {
String line = in.readLine();
if (line == null)
return stanza.size() > 0;
if (line.trim().length() == 0) {
if (stanza.size() > 0)
return true;
} else if (line.charAt(0) == ' ' || line.charAt(0) == '\t') {
public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
this.debug = debug;
public void run() {
ArrayList<String> stanza = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<List<Phoneme>> lines = new ArrayList<List<Phoneme>>();
ArrayList<Boring.Instruction> instructions = new ArrayList<Boring.Instruction>();
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
while (readStanza(in, stanza)) {
for (String line : stanza)
lines.add(toPhonemes(dict, line));
if (debug)
System.out.println("stanza="+stanza+",lines="+lines+",masc=" + masculineRhyme(lines.get(0)) + ", meter=" + getMeter(lines.get(0)) + ", feet=" + getFeet(lines.get(0))+",scheme="+rhymeScheme(lines)+",acrostic1="+acrostic(stanza)+",acrostic2="+acrostic(stanza, rhymeScheme(lines)));
switch (getMeter(lines.get(0))) {
case IAMBIC:
instructions.add(pushInstruction(lines, stanza));
if (debug)
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (debug)
new Boring.Interpreter(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(, new PrintWriter(System.out), instructions).run();
private Boring.Instruction pushInstruction(List<List<Phoneme>> lines, List<String> stanza) {
String acrostic = masculineRhyme(lines.get(0)) ? acrostic(stanza) : acrostic(stanza, rhymeScheme(lines));
if (debug)
System.out.println("acrostic="+acrostic+",feet="+getFeet(lines.get(0))+",["+(getFeet(lines.get(0))%2 == 0 ? Boring.NamedCharacters.get(acrostic) : acrostic)+"]");
return new Boring.PushInstruction(getFeet(lines.get(0))%2 == 0 ? Boring.NamedCharacters.get(acrostic) : acrostic);
private Boring.Instruction popFloatReadWriteInstruction(List<List<Phoneme>> lines) {
switch (getFeet(lines.get(0))%4) {
case 0:
return new Boring.PopInstruction(rhymeScheme(lines));
case 1:
return new Boring.FloatInstruction(rhymeScheme(lines));
case 2:
return Boring.ReadInstruction.READ_INSTRUCTION;
case 3:
return new Boring.WriteInstruction(rhymeScheme(lines));
return null;
private Boring.Instruction callConcatenateReturnDefineInstruction(List<List<Phoneme>> lines) {
switch (getFeet(lines.get(0))%4) {
case 0:
return new Boring.CallInstruction(rhymeScheme(lines));
case 1:
return new Boring.ConcatenateInstruction(rhymeScheme(lines));
case 2:
return Boring.ReturnInstruction.RETURN_INSTRUCTION;
case 3:
return new Boring.DefineInstruction(rhymeScheme(lines));
return null;
private Boring.Instruction loopDropInstruction(List<List<Phoneme>> lines) {
switch (getFeet(lines.get(0))%3) {
case 0:
return Boring.LoopInstruction.LOOP_INSTRUCTION;
case 1:
return new Boring.DropMatchingHeadInstruction(rhymeScheme(lines));
case 2:
return new Boring.DropHeadInstruction(rhymeScheme(lines));
return null;
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