Monday, March 28, 2011

Thinking about numbers in the 01_ programming language, the natural way to represent integers would be to use little-endian base 2. To further simplify things, consider only infinite lists of bits. So the important numbers are

zero = 0 zero.
one = 1 zero.

Negative numbers can also be represented

-one = 1 -one.

Integer addition can be defined as

+/integer 0a 0b = 0 +/integer a b.
+/integer 1a 0b = 1 +/integer a b.
+/integer 0a 1b = 1 +/integer a b.
+/integer 1a 1b = 0 +/integer/carry a b.

where integer addition with carry is

+/integer/carry 0a 0b = 1 +/integer a b.
+/integer/carry 1a 0b = 0 +/integer/carry a b.
+/integer/carry 0a 1b = 0 +/integer/carry a b.
+/integer/carry 1a 1b = 1 +/integer/carry a b.

And integer subtraction is

-/integer 0a 0b = 0 -/integer a b.
-/integer 1a 0b = 1 -/integer a b.
-/integer 0a 1b = 1 -/integer/borrow a b.
-/integer 1a 1b = 0 -/integer a b.

where integer subtraction with borrow is

-/integer/borrow 0a 0b = 1 -/integer/borrow a b.
-/integer/borrow 1a 0b = 0 -/integer a b.
-/integer/borrow 0a 1b = 0 -/integer/borrow a b.
-/integer/borrow 1a 1b = 1 -/integer/borrow a b.

Monday, March 14, 2011

For work, some of the code is in JSTL (JavaServer Pages Standard Template Library) EL (Expression Language). JSTL EL is weakly typed and dynamically typed. There is no compile-time checking.

One day, a coworker sent me a message saying some stuff stopped working after merging in some of my changes. So I tried running it and it didn't work. I also added logging to the code I changed, which was all Java, and it was working fine. I then tracked it down to some JSTL (untouched by me):

<c:set var="flag" value="{flag1 || flag2}"/>
<c:if test="${flag}">
... stuff that failed to appear ...

The first line should have been

<c:set var="flag" value="${flag1 || flag2}"/>

This is the type of stupid mistake that compile-time checking, especially with static typing, can catch.